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If i wanted to by walking by a marina, i'll sit in the car, drive for 1,5 hrs and walk by a real marina, not sit in a dark room and waste my time on doing it virtually. I really find this utterly pointless.


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I think it looks good. And there are no marinas like that in my country...

libellule said:
+ for Lingyis !

(what is this protein that u use as avatar ?)

 Hey!  You're the 1st person to recognize my avatar :)

 are you taking a biochemistry class?

 It's human interferon-beta... a protein I did some work on (computationally).

the Wii is an epidemic.

iFlower7 said:
Chrizum said:
Wow, looks bad.

It totally lacks any kind of style or atmosphere.

What what what?


I think it looks great. Seems awesome just to chill there.


 I don't know, I kind of have to agree with Chizum here.

  1. Sure, everything does look real and highly detailed, but it also looks boring (as in the art and look itself is boring).
  2. Every character I've seen in Home are these ultra hip looking people that either look like huge twats or huge tools.  Take your pic.
  3. What's with the building with the wooden floor texture?
  4. I still don't think this is going to work as a Dashboard/Mii killer and won't do much for Sony for as much as they putting in to it.  To tell you the truth, I would rather just have a clean interface. 

i like this, it looks really nice.
cant wait to explore the whole area with my buds.
after which, watch a movie at my place, then listen to some good music.

1. i like the art, kinda realistic but kinda looks cartoony at the same time.

2. irrelevant, people choose what they want to look like in home, the people they chose to showoff does not represent the community that will occupy home. have you seen the guy with ratchet ears? i would not consider that guy "ultra hip"

3. i think it looks unique, in a good way. its gonna be fun sightseeing Home for the first time. the second pic looks really good.

4. i like the added functionality. I dont get why some people must compare functionality's just to stroke their ego, and prove their system of choice is the best. everyone has different tastes, go with the one the suits you the most. you dont have to bring down the competition just to feel good about your choice. ( not targeting you)

though i do hope they would provide a simpler interface in the future.
i hate walking in videogames, thats the reason why i didnt finish FFXII, the damn city's are way too big, its too much of a hassle walking to stores.

all in all, im glad theyre making home, and its looking very nice.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

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I love the look of the water (2nd pic) and reflections off the glass (5th pic)


And just to make sure I remember what Home was, I went and read Home Wiki and it's still just what I thought it was.  It's cool that they're bringing all this stuff together, but I still don't see it being good.

Just comparing all the functionality with XBL Dashboard, here's what I get:

  • Play a game.
    • On the Dashboard I scroll down to play an actually 360 game.
    • On Dashboard I move to the arcade tab to play an arcade game and then go through another menu.
    • On Home, I walk from wherever I'm at to wherever I go to play games (I'm guessing your apartment).  To do that, I have to spend time walking and possibly wait for loading times.
    • I should also be able to exit out of Home, negating the experience but making it quicker.
  • Watch a movie.
    • I scroll to the marketplace and scroll through the movies.
    • I walk from wherever I'm at to the movie theater taking time to walk and possibly loading times (remember, you can only stream so much).
    • I exit Home and enter the PSN negating Home but making things quicker.
  • Listen to music
    • I press the 360 button and press play.
    • Hopefully I just turn on a discman, possibly a BluRay discman (BluPod?).
  • Compare achievements with other players.
    • I look at a list of games the other person has played that is easy to read that has their score and my score, click on the game, and then look at their achievements.
    • I walk to the persons apartment and look through all their crap and probably have to click on each "achievement" to see what I'm looking at, why they got it, and what game it's from.
  • Chatroom
    • 360 doesn't have this (as far as I know).
    • I either have to listen to the twits around me (may or may not be your thing, I hate it) or I have to read some WoW like chat screen.
So yeah, Home is pretty and is cool at everything it does, but it's just too much.  I'm sorry but I would much rather just have a clean interface.  The Dashboard does this very well and even the XMB is pretty good (though I don't like how they divide everything).  Home seems like something that is just going to waste a lot of time and people don't like that when they actually want to do something.

iclim4 said:
3. i think it looks unique, in a good way. its gonna be fun sightseeing Home for the first time. the second pic looks really good.

 I suppose it's more interesting than realistic but it really does look like someone modeled a building and then picked a completely random texture without even worrying about UV maps.

"Just comparing all the functionality with XBL Dashboard, here's what I get:"

Sorry but I think you do not get it. Yes you can watch a movie faster on the XMB than in home but millions of people who have made a Second Life account seem to like something about it.
Personally I don't get it either.

love the architecture and environment.

not so crazy about the avatar...