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i like this, it looks really nice.
cant wait to explore the whole area with my buds.
after which, watch a movie at my place, then listen to some good music.

1. i like the art, kinda realistic but kinda looks cartoony at the same time.

2. irrelevant, people choose what they want to look like in home, the people they chose to showoff does not represent the community that will occupy home. have you seen the guy with ratchet ears? i would not consider that guy "ultra hip"

3. i think it looks unique, in a good way. its gonna be fun sightseeing Home for the first time. the second pic looks really good.

4. i like the added functionality. I dont get why some people must compare functionality's just to stroke their ego, and prove their system of choice is the best. everyone has different tastes, go with the one the suits you the most. you dont have to bring down the competition just to feel good about your choice. ( not targeting you)

though i do hope they would provide a simpler interface in the future.
i hate walking in videogames, thats the reason why i didnt finish FFXII, the damn city's are way too big, its too much of a hassle walking to stores.

all in all, im glad theyre making home, and its looking very nice.

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