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Forums - Sony Discussion - 5 free Blu Rays gone wrong ... ROTFL ...

Here's the backstory - this poster got his free movies and was pissed because he got 2 of the 5 he requested. He got some horrible titles sent to him (Chain Reaction - ROTFL) ... and complained about it ...

Go to page 3 to see my response ... 

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I don't see it, or get it.

they do reserve the right to switch out movies if they are out of stock.

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why does this warrant a thread here?

Should i make a thread in the MSFT forum about users on other forums who waited 3 months to get their 360 back? Shipping issues happen. I cant help but see this as one of the weakest attempts ive ever witnessed on this forum to just rip sony.

@ steverhcp02

He's not ripping on Sony, he just bought a PS3... He was just posting something that apparently is funny, but I don't get what is funny (maybe I'm not looking hard enough) so take a chill pill and relax.

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did my post come across as hectic or overbearing? If so, i apologize, not sure why you made a chill pill reference. I just see a user on another forum receive wrong DVD's for an offer related to the BDA, not Sony posted in this forum. Sorry if i cant grasp the point and necessity of this thread.

Thats my opinion on the matter, so before anyone chimes in "if you dont like it dont read it" im just giving my opinion on why i think this thread fails.


I think maybe GD is a better forum for this post, and its associated "ROTFL humor" but thats just me. 

What happened is - this original poster deleted this ...

Originally Posted by nelll View Post

The Patriot
The Prestige
Pirates of the Caribbean

The patriot
The Prestige
Chain Reaction
Stir Of Echoes

I just watched Stir of Echoes, I was kind of happy because I saw this film years ago, They did a favor on that one but the rest?
I did not want Swordfish or Chain reaction. WTF

He didn't read the instructions - he selected a couple of the movies from the same group of movies (You are supposed to select just one) and complained because he couldn't read. So, they sent him some crap movies ...

The posts are what make the thread even funnier ...

He deleted his post, so it makes it look like I am just spamming ...

Yea, that happens with some people.

In europe we only got Casino Royale free, but that was a very good film

I thought it was pretty funny. Somebody did quote his original post later in the thread, so you can see it there.

What I thought was weird was the person who said "I didnt get any I asked for either. I received Swordfish, Syriana and Planet Earth disc #1."

How do you only get 1 of the PE discs? That's a little strange???

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