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Forums - Gaming Discussion - RUMOR: Sony loses NC Soft exclusive game

GGE you are so sad its unbelieveable...

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Thought Sony was really good with developpers these days?

Squall_Leonhart said:
GGE you are so sad its unbelieveable...

DMeisterJ said:


You are such a sad individual.


So the best thing you guys can do is post one-liner personal attacks?  If you think someone is trolling, report them.  I'm tired of these boards looking like the middle school "let's all pick on the nerdy kid" gang.


@GGE, your first post in this thread was fine.  It's usually good news when a game goes multiplatform.  But then you took the bait, and went off on your "crusade" as Chrizum called it.  There's nothing wrong with having an opinion about this rumor, but not every thread needs to become an illustration of how the Wii will achieve ultimate dominance over the universe.  The more often you do this, the more often you give them the opportunity to make you look foolish.  So please don't take the bait.  Stay on topic.

What do you mean "don't take the bait"? She was the one starting things.

@ Entroper

So her posting that it is fantastic new for the PS3 to lose an exclusive isn't trolling?

Well, that's very weird if you wouldn't call that trolling.

On-Topic: This is a rumor. So let's treat it as such, eh?

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DMeisterJ said:
@ Entroper

So her posting that it is fantastic new for the PS3 to lose an exclusive isn't trolling?

Well, that's very weird if you wouldn't call that trolling.

On-Topic: This is a rumor. So let's treat it as such, eh?

Not if you own a 360 it's not.(Or even know someome who likes MMORPGs who has one.) After all it's not like the report says the game isn't going to exist. Just that it's going to a different platform.

If it was "Game from NCSoft for PS3 scrapped".

Then it would be trolling.

After all if there was a rumor that said "Microsoft loses halowars exclusivity" and the rumor said it went to PS3 you don't think some people would think that was fantastic news?

Please just calm down people.  If you truly think someone is trolling, there are two things you should do:

  1. Ignore them.  Don't make some witty remark in respone, don't argue with them, don't post some silly picture, just ignore them.
  2. Report them and leave it alone. 

DMeisterJ said:
@ Entroper

So her posting that it is fantastic new for the PS3 to lose an exclusive isn't trolling?

Well, that's very weird if you wouldn't call that trolling.

On-Topic: This is a rumor. So let's treat it as such, eh?

yes we should i dint see what people are going on about when they dont even know if its true

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

to all,

I thought NCSoft games were only average ?

I dont know if the rumor is true but if Sony is "just" losing NCsoft support for 1 game (new IP I assume ?) then I think this is a non-event

I just hope the game will NOT turn to be insanely good like Bioshock lol ...

Time to Work !

twesterm said:

Please just calm down people. If you truly think someone is trolling, there are two things you should do:

  1. Ignore them. Don't make some witty remark in respone, don't argue with them, don't post some silly picture, just ignore them.
  2. Report them and leave it alone.

you know, so far you've been doing a good job moderating..

On topic: Was it an MMO?


Edit - not "what is an MMO", but  "Was it an MMO?"

Sometimes I write stuff that don't make sense... 

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)