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Forums - Gaming Discussion - God Of War, Ninja Gaiden, or Devil May Cry

God of War reminds you of why it's great to be a man sometimes >: ) We could have been just like that back then! Although maybe I don't want to be in Kratos's shoes :/ I'm not sure if I'm prepared to fight my way out of Hell :/

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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God Of War
Devil May Cry
Ninja Gaiden

weezy said:
The only reason you guys dont like Ninja Gaiden is because its too hard and so amazing, that simpletons are blinded by its greatness. :) (LOL)

In other words Ninja Gaiden shits on DMC & GOW

The gameplay mechanics of NG may be more "deep", but in the end GOW as a whole game is way better. Also the story, and the cutscenes in NG suck.

PS: I have beaten NG in very hard

rocketpig said:
libellule said:
About NG, the only thing I can say : main charatcer design sucks

Well, not every action hero can look like they hired Helen Keller as their tailor or appear like Mr. Clean after falling into a vat of white body paint (while naked).


He's a ninja, fer cryin' out loud. Sorry if his outfit doesn't attract an audience.

I think he is refering to the fact that Ryu runs like an old fat lady

After playing Ninja Gaiden.... GOW and DMC = Not fun.

True gamers know Ninja Gaiden is the definitive title out of the 3.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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I agree with weezy here, DMC and GOW aren't even close to NG.

While I absolutely love DMC, I have to give the best action game to God of War. Ninja gaiden was fun, but perhaps overhype ruined it for me...

Ninja Gaiden is hard. It dosen't hold your hand and I love that about it. Hell I died like 10 times when i faced the boss on the airship but when I killed the fucker it was great. Anyway if they game is too hard for you then keep trying you will get it eventually or you can be a pansy and play the ninja dog mode.


SleepWaking said:
I agree with weezy here, DMC and GOW aren't even close to NG.

Ninja Gaiden's combat might be deeper... or it might just be that they couldn't make it deeper so they just cranked up the difficulty and removed save points to make it harder, that way people could claim that you have to be hardcore to get through it.  Don't get me wrong now, I love the game, and I've made it just about all the way through Sigma, but God of War is better(I'll leave DMC out because I find it incredibly boring).  Ninja Gaiden has atrocious story telling, a crap ass story, and pathetic character design.

On top of this, there was a lot of what seemed to be hassle just for the hassle's sake.  If I recall correctly, there were multiple times where, if you died beating a boss, you got sent back a couple minutes, except it wasn't a difficult couple of minutes.  It was a couple of minutes spent running down corridors and fighting some of the easiest enemies in the game.  The boss may have been challenging, but the 2 minutes in between death and being back at the boss was usually not challenging, it was merely tedious.

The line between tedium and fun difficulty is a thin one, and Ninja Gaiden crossed that line more than once.

No rankings, just the good in each:

Ninja Gaiden: Best combat, best challenge.

God of War: Best character/story, ambience and bosses.

Devil May Cry: Mix of the good things in the other two, but not as good as either.

Also DMC has faltered (DMC 2), the other two haven't.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!