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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How do you think the second hand market will look like on the Xbone4

Goatseye said:
animegaming said:
i see gamestop not carrying the next gen xbox

It just gives Walmart, Best Buy, Toys R Us, smaller business owners and Amazon way more deserved market share.

even best buy i can see not caring it cause they sell use games as well 

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Zero999 said:

i don't think retailers will really accept returned games since few will be willing to pay twice for them (the used value + the thieving extra tax). and since they can't return it or re-sell it easily, consumers will be really selective when buying games. no matter the situation, xone is screwed to the infinite power.

I'm really happy for that because there's a great chance microsoft leaves the gaming market and sells rare's ips back to nintendo.

I'm sure Microsoft will put a high price on them.

animegaming said:
Goatseye said:
animegaming said:
i see gamestop not carrying the next gen xbox

It just gives Walmart, Best Buy, Toys R Us, smaller business owners and Amazon way more deserved market share.

even best buy i can see not caring it cause they sell use games as well 

They don't depend on it like Gamestop. They just started selling and buying used games not too long ago.

AgentZorn said:
Zero999 said:

i don't think retailers will really accept returned games since few will be willing to pay twice for them (the used value + the thieving extra tax). and since they can't return it or re-sell it easily, consumers will be really selective when buying games. no matter the situation, xone is screwed to the infinite power.

I'm really happy for that because there's a great chance microsoft leaves the gaming market and sells rare's ips back to nintendo.

I'm sure Microsoft will put a high price on them.

can't be higher than the price they paid for rare. beggers can't be choosers.

Zero999 said:
sales2099 said:
Not that I endorse this, but change just happens. Blockbuster is out of business because of netflix and consoles and cable boxes. Change leads to the erosion of once prominent industries.

except people don't buy netflix services from the blockbusters. microsoft needs retailers to sell their games, and severely reducing retailers profit isn't the best way to keep their support.

check what nintendo did for example: with the advent of download sales, ninendo started selling download codes for retailers so they can still profit from digital sales. that's how you get retailers support.

By retailers, you must mean Ebgames/Gamestop. They will have to downsize if they can only rely on new games sold, but it won't be the end of them.

Any major retailer would do though, Walmart, Bestbuy, etc. etc. And those have limited things like trade-ins but its no major loss to them at all if they had to cancel those programs.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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Things wouldn't be so bad if you, as a user, could freely trade or sell your licenses. Having a cool down period for trading licenses would make sense, for example an individual license can only be traded once every 30 days. Not a fan of having to pay a fee to give a license to a friend. But if the fee was small, say less than $5, it wouldn't be too bad.