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Forums - Sales Discussion - SSBB Conspiracy Theory

I seriously doubt Nintendo is doing this purposely... it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense and its not as if they really need to build up hype at this time.

The second shipment will be larger and everyone will get the Brawl we need.


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"Supply Constrained". Hey, it works. Don't knock it.

never exist limited shipments, SSBB 1 million in his first week.

you're probably right, just a trick.

bigjon said:

We have been told for a few weeks now that SSBB would have "limited" shipments... Here somes the trickery by big N... They said that so everyone would go out and buy up the limited stock!

 Famitsu commented that this type of hoopla was usually only reserved for FF games... And That Lipton Store w/ 800 preorders mysterously came more copies... I don't know, but maybe Nintendo sent ALOT more copies than originally indicated. I am thinking over a million... conspiracy theory end...

Maybe you're looking at the situation wrongly. Who to says that Nintendo has to anything to do with the short supply news. What if it's the store companies themselves who want to cause panic so people can rush out and buy SSBB.