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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Durango has always had 8 gigs GDDR5, sony matched specs

enditall727 said:
crissindahouse said:
enditall727 said:
Thats what they all say

Remember when they tried to say the same thing about MS when Sony bought Gaiki? lol

we had that other rumor that said MS were matching what Sony announced so i expect them to have added the Gddr5.  + azure?

to be honest, i think both would do it even without the other since that is a part of "the future" and nobody steals the idea of the other company.

Idk what the vid was for but i believe it wss Nsanity that had the thread where the guy said it


But yea they basically tried to say that Sony copied Microsoft by buying Gakai Lol

to show that it's already possible to stream games from servers with microsoft tech for years. just not yet over the internet, that's why i said "+ azure" which is a cloud tech of microsoft. and if you saw the whole video the guy said at the end "not yet for end consumers but like we know, what's for companies will be avaialble for consumers anytime. just imagine you connect your device with the internet and you can stream games" or something like that.

so yeah, i'm sure both, microsoft and sony do it because it makes sense, not because of the other company. at least i believe the nextbox will have it as well^^

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ethomaz said:

It is almost two weeks old... the guy have no prof just a claim form nowhere.

And at the end this guys received the title "derp" for these claims... no body saw that?

Anyway what "derp" means?

Made up slang word so a traditional dictionary wont help. It's times like this we need to turn to.... URBAN DICTIONARY!

A simple, undefined reply when an ignorant comment or action is made. Brought to life in the South Park series, when Mr. Derp made a guest apperance at South Park Elementary as the chef for a day, followed by hitting himself in the head with a hammer and exclaiming "Derp!"

Basically a response to someone saying something stupid.

A rumor cannot be used to disprove the validity of another rumor. I understand the desire to think that we are more knowledgeable then we actually are, but all of the rumor sources have been fairly well proven to be untrustworthy, or outright wrong. Anyone claiming otherwise is practicing some serious revisionism. We have hundreds of rumors about the next console, and just by the law of numbers one of them is going to be close to the mark. Why so many rumors. Why the hell not starting a rumor costs so little credibility, and in the off chance they are right their online credibility goes through the fucking roof. Just for taking a educated guess.

This guy is actually pretty clever, because if the memory that Microsoft is using in their new machine is indeed the one he specified. Which is contrary to the other rumors that have tried to stay similar to one another. This guy is going to look like a prophet. Would you like to here my educated guess about the new hardware.

For one I don't think a Kinect will come included with the console, or that there is even going to be a new version available at launch. I suspect that Microsoft will be more then happy to support the original peripheral as a legacy device for their new console. While they intend for the next iteration of the device to come packaged with their new holographic peripheral. Which wont launch until the next console is a couple years old.

Speaking to system memory purely as a matter of deductive logic, and a desire by them to stay on par with Sony. I suspect that Microsoft will have certifiably more under the hood, because of the holographic technology. That tech is going to be resource intensive, and they wont want to place developers in a position where they will have to compromise quality in their games to support the device. In other words Microsoft isn't going to want third parties to cut back on in game assets to put on the light show.

The higher added cost will be more then justified by the expansion of the product line into many more homes, and the peripheral sales they will expect to see later on in the generation. The device isn't explicitly a gaming device after all. It will be a visual surround sound system for the family, and movie studios will probably start to make their movies around incorporating the feature in their moves, and that will mean serious licensing fees for Microsoft.

This 3 months after Sony revealed their specs? Sorry but i dont buy it.

If you had 8, should have revealed it officially or said something before the playstation meeting. Now? Sorry, its a lie.

Just wait the 7 days and find out the truth then..

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Max King of the Wild said:

Made up slang word so a traditional dictionary wont help. It's times like this we need to turn to.... URBAN DICTIONARY!

A simple, undefined reply when an ignorant comment or action is made. Brought to life in the South Park series, when Mr. Derp made a guest apperance at South Park Elementary as the chef for a day, followed by hitting himself in the head with a hammer and exclaiming "Derp!"

Basically a response to someone saying something stupid.

Thanks... I was thinking something close to that by the contex :).

PS. Nice link.

JEMC said:
Well, it may be true or not, but it no longer matters.

The truth is that Sony revealed it first and if MSoft has the same RAM, they will still look like the ones who changed their specs.

That's what happens when you try to be so secretive.

And I'm sure 1% of the fanbase (aka the loud parts of the internet) will be upset.

If they can match the ram Sony has provided this is great news.

It's just that simple.

Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. But in the end, who cares? As long as they're on equal footing in most ways, 3rd part devs will be able to do they're best work and we'll benefit.

Anyway, rumors that will NEVER be substantiated are a waste of our time. The 21st. That is all.

One week and it'll be over. Can't wait.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

crissindahouse said:
JEMC said:


But as I said it won't matter because for the vast majority of consumers it won't affect the decision of purchasing the console or not.

well, i think that wouldn't change anything for the end consumer. reading "microsoft uses the same tech like sony" won't sell less consoles as "sony uses the same tech as microsoft". if both consoles release almost at the same time, the consumer will think both companies were first with the tech.

i don't even think that a reveal in february or only may will change anything. the only reason why i think companies should reveal the console before e3 is to have enough time at e3 to show more of everything. if they would first reveal the console at e3, the conference would take 3 hours which would be probably too long.

important are the weeks before release like the ad campaigns and the release itself and what the console has to offer.

i edited my last post which you probably didn't see. i already said there that only the final product really matters and not the dev kit stuff.

Sorry for the late reply, I'm at work after all.

And I think that we agree that it doesn't matter who did it first or second. It doesn't affect the end product nor the chances of someone buying one or the other. It will only be used by fanboys to attack each other.

Marketing, price and games is mostly what will decide who wins.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.