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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Durango has always had 8 gigs GDDR5, sony matched specs

enditall727 said:
Thats what they all say

Remember when they tried to say the same thing about MS when Sony bought Gaiki? lol

we had that other rumor that said MS were matching what Sony announced so i expect them to have added the Gddr5.  + azure?

to be honest, i think both would do it even without the other since that is a part of "the future" and nobody steals the idea of the other company.

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tres said:
walsufnir said:
tres said:
walsufnir said:
pokoko said:
Wait a second. If the 720 matches the PS4 spec for spec, including an expensive 8 gigs of GDDR5, while also sporting Kinect 2.0 as a standard feature, aren't we climbing to a potentially dangerous price-point? I have trouble believing Microsoft would take too much of a loss or allow the PS4 to have a major pricing advantage.

The PSeye is also rumored to be included with every PS4.

that not a rumor i thought they said it at their event?


I don't remember but anyway, here is the source of the rumor:

cerny said the eye was develop in tandem with the the ds4.  hence the color bar on the front of them.  and tbh knowing kinect would come with every next gen xbox sony have to ante up.   it will be funny to watch the sony side talk about how great move is with the ps4 during e3 while bashing kinect 2.0 ... yes it will happen


I am looking forward to discussions why PSeye is better than Kinect and actually a good thing for gaming while kinect never was and never will be. But either way, both technologies will make the consoles more expensive.

I hope its true just for the M Night Shamylsnsalaiilan twist factor and to see PS4 enthusiasts reaction after they have essentially turned GDDR5 into PS4's "blast processing".

At the same time, 8GB DDR3 and the eSRAM would be just as good and cheaper.

walsufnir said:
I am looking forward to discussions why PSeye is better than Kinect and actually a good thing for gaming while kinect never was and never will be. But either way, both technologies will make the consoles more expensive.

pseye and not and will never be better than kinect. even the sloppy 1.0  pseye + move yes.  however kinect+wiimove would utterly destroy pseye+move. to me the cameres are polar opposites capable of doing different things.  do you agree that kinect is capable of doing alot more than the stand alone eye?  

im looking forward to a new improve eye and the same as kinect.  regardless to what you think.... as i head out the door i forgot to turn my xbox off.

xbox.... settings... turn off

pulling the door behind me lol

The first thing Microsoft is gonna have a hard time matching is the launch date.

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It is almost two weeks old... the guy have no prof just a claim form nowhere.

And at the end this guys received the title "derp" for these claims... no body saw that?

Anyway what "derp" means?

J_Allard said:
I hope its true just for the M Night Shamylsnsalaiilan twist factor and to see PS4 enthusiasts reaction after they have essentially turned GDDR5 into PS4's "blast processing".

At the same time, 8GB DDR3 and the eSRAM would be just as good and cheaper.


Guys......seriously. What is all this damn fuss? We know they are similar in specs anyway. This is the PS3 vs 360 graphics gap all over again. So small it is all really about how developers utilize it in the end.

Same shit, different generation.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


crissindahouse said:
enditall727 said:
Thats what they all say

Remember when they tried to say the same thing about MS when Sony bought Gaiki? lol

we had that other rumor that said MS were matching what Sony announced so i expect them to have added the Gddr5.  + azure?

to be honest, i think both would do it even without the other since that is a part of "the future" and nobody steals the idea of the other company.

Idk what the vid was for but i believe it wss Nsanity that had the thread where the guy said it


But yea they basically tried to say that Sony copied Microsoft by buying Gakai Lol

Not really a huge shock for me if it's true since I always thought the specs between the infinity/ps4 would be pretty close anyways.