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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - WiiU pad range increased???

Sharu said:

TheLastStarFighter said:
I can't imagine an update could improve the WiFi range.

You know, on my wifi router a have an option in the settings where I can change the power of wifi signal from 10% to 100%. If its possible with a router, why is it not possible in a WiiU?

I suppose. I never thought of increasing the power output to it. I don't know why they wouldn't have the output higher in the first place. I wonder if Nintendo really has increased the power to CPU, GPU and/or WiFi? Since the system is rated for 75W and was only using about 33W with a demanding game running, it really is possible I guess. I'd love to know if their's any truth, I wonder if anyone has tested the power draw post-update.

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All i can say that WiiU is still cold and blows out cold air during a long monhun session...

Sharu said:
All i can say that WiiU is still cold and blows out cold air during a long monhun session...

^ Yep. Now I have a Wii U gamepad AND a 3DS to keep me up at night when I should be sleeping

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I have the same range. 5GHz isn't able to go beyond the living room.

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You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

Got to try it out!

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I've noticed the same thing, can take it into two rooms now where it would always disconnect before.

I'm gonna test it when I get home.

TheLastStarFighter said:
Sharu said:

TheLastStarFighter said:
I can't imagine an update could improve the WiFi range.

You know, on my wifi router a have an option in the settings where I can change the power of wifi signal from 10% to 100%. If its possible with a router, why is it not possible in a WiiU?

I suppose. I never thought of increasing the power output to it. I don't know why they wouldn't have the output higher in the first place. I wonder if Nintendo really has increased the power to CPU, GPU and/or WiFi? Since the system is rated for 75W and was only using about 33W with a demanding game running, it really is possible I guess. I'd love to know if their's any truth, I wonder if anyone has tested the power draw post-update.

I wouldn't think it would literally boost the power. But it might improve error correction in the signal, or just improve tolerances. For example, if the signal gets too noisy, it might just drop a frame that didn't transfer cleanly instead of immediately throwing up the connection problem screen.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
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I took my pad to the pooper last night. Still drops signal on the throne. But I think it's more the material around the room, my cell phone gets "shitty" signal in there too.

TheLastStarFighter said:
I took my pad to the pooper last night. Still drops signal on the throne. But I think it's more the material around the room, my cell phone gets "shitty" signal in there too.
