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120k FW for Pikmin 3 :)

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well DQX ended with 17pts right?

Goodbye Dragon's Crown vita :'(


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

BaldrSkies said:

Yet another indication that 1 pt does not equal exactly 1 preorder at the stores. Games with the same point value shifting around indicates some internal factor involved.

That's... an extremely interesting point.  I've never thought about that before, but there often is some jostling about of games at the bottom of the charts with the same number of pre-orders.  Maybe Dragon's Crown got a -1? :P

Congrats to Wii-U.  Pikmin is my favourite Nintendo franchise and I hope it sells well.  Didn't realise it was releasing so soon!

Plus, it makes our rainbow chart better.

Toukiden has been moving pretty consistently for a few days now, good for it too.  

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Pikmin pushed Crown away.
MH... HOW U NO STOP ? that just can't be.. Never seen such preorders 90 days before release.

Kresnik said:

BaldrSkies said:

Yet another indication that 1 pt does not equal exactly 1 preorder at the stores. Games with the same point value shifting around indicates some internal factor involved.

That's... an extremely interesting point.  I've never thought about that before, but there often is some jostling about of games at the bottom of the charts with the same number of pre-orders.  Maybe Dragon's Crown got a -1? :P

Congrats to Wii-U.  Pikmin is my favourite Nintendo franchise and I hope it sells well.  Didn't realise it was releasing so soon!

Plus, it makes our rainbow chart better.

Toukiden has been moving pretty consistently for a few days now, good for it too.  

No this has happened a lot before I've noticed, and games don't lose points very often.

It's not a coincidence. From a business standpoint it would make sense not to make their real sales figures public, and mask it with some factor.

Pikmin! Finally!!!!!!11

Its not 1 point equals 1000 sales. closer to 1 point equals 500 sales, but there is some variance

All bow to me the VGChartz current reigning 3DS prediction champion 

 Bet with tbone51: Pokeon X & pokemon Y will not sell more than 8 million in 2013

 jarrod said:The Xbox360 or ps3 will not sell more than 75million units

July 2009 daveJ saidTrue the wii has a large lead now but by 2017 the most likely result will be 1. ps3 2. xbox360 3. wii <-- wii's successor launched in 2011 effectively killing sales of the wii

 2009 daveJ said: The wii will not break the 50% marketshare barrier it will go below the 40% marketshare barrier though in the future. VGChartz members: Impossible, youre an idiot that knows nothing about sales

Dat Pikmin at last! Hopefully this is the beginning of the Wii U comeback.

Also, Toudiken is doing mighty fine.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.