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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

So I don't know if anyone will do this but, what do we expect from MH4?

I'm thinking 88 today, and around 2,800 come the release


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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oh god. More than 100pt today...

Media Create Annual Archive (Spanish version)





Kresnik said:
Since this is the only place I know where there's really continuous discussion of Japan sales, even though everybody's crazy about MonHun now, I thought I'd post this here:

Someone on GAF translating an article I can't read saying that DQX digital downloads on Wii-U were 2x the physical sales, presumably because of the discounted upgrade offer for digital.

On the numbers we have here that's like 130k + 65k physical = ~ 200k overall. Not too shabby.

it's better now :D

Over 100 points today? Thanks for livening things up, MH.

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RolStoppable said:
If Monster Hunter 4 keeps up this pace, it will reach more than 10,000 points. First week sales prediction:

Monster Hunter 4: 10m
3DS hardware: 2m

Iwata laughts!



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Monster Hunter: the only game than can climb the hight of the chartz in 3 days, really it's HUUGE
But let's not forget Toukiden with its 8 points placed fairly on both handhelds..

3DS wins
just wait for Pokemon