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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

Marth said:

Total 724 (+376)

205 points for DX XI S on Switch, not bad. Miles away from PS4 and 3DS, but not bad for a late port, even a definitive one.

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Luke888 said:

FYI Tecmo stated Ryza sold 150k including digital, waiting for those DQ numbers to hit >.>

The power of thighs.

For real though with Code Vein, Ryza, Ys IX, and Dragon Quest XI S. We're actually gonna get some good software sales numbers for a bunch of games this week in Japan. 

Huh, looks like COMG realized they didn't have enough limited editions of Persona 5 and had to downgrade some people.

2 people canceled their P5 LE and went with the Standard version.

FF7, SST, and DS increase.

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Somebody traded their Limited Edition of P5R for the Standard Edition.

Well someone got a cut in pay today it seems.

RgG7 returns.

So it's back to this, is it? At least Luigi got a point, but come on Pokemon, step it up, you can do better than this! Not a good start to October for COMG.