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Good day for P5 and Berseria with 4 points. Meh for FFXV. How much points did MGSV had 49 days before it's release?

Pokemon Moon is catching up to Pokemon Sun!!!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Locke_Cole said:
BraLoD said:

...Final Fantasy is always different...

Not at all...

After FFX, yes, without a doubt, when the franchise started to lose it's identity, not before.

There is a "FF style", in Nes, Snes, and PSX the franchise "evolved" respecting the basis, i hope for a "evolution" of that formula, FF needs to recover that essence. 

This is all about opinions, that's mine, but i respect yours.

PD: I played all FF, the last i liked??, FFX...

But it is always different. The foundation is usually similar but entire gameplay mechanics change across each new game. It's how the series has remained relevant...

You can't tell me that the systems behind FF2 are the same as any other in the series. Each one has its own goal or focus they want to produce.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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Roketan said:
Good day for P5 and Berseria with 4 points. Meh for FFXV. How much points did MGSV had 49 days before it's release?

Curious about that as well.

Roketan said:
How much points did MGSV had 49 days before it's release?

104 (PS4+PS3)

Roronaa_chan said:
Roketan said:
How much points did MGSV had 49 days before it's release?

104 (PS4+PS3)

Hmm that`s lower than I expected. Makes me a litte more optimistic about XVs eventual future.

BEASTERIA and Persona 5 doing good today. Woop woop :)

outlawauron said:
Locke_Cole said:

Not at all...

After FFX, yes, without a doubt, when the franchise started to lose it's identity, not before.

There is a "FF style", in Nes, Snes, and PSX the franchise "evolved" respecting the basis, i hope for a "evolution" of that formula, FF needs to recover that essence. 

This is all about opinions, that's mine, but i respect yours.

PD: I played all FF, the last i liked??, FFX...

But it is always different. The foundation is usually similar but entire gameplay mechanics change across each new game. It's how the series has remained relevant...

Not much different, on games like FFVI, VII, etc,  they did innovate enough without abandoning most of the concepts of old FF, i can't say the same today...

FFXIII and XV don't look like games of the same franchise, the gameplay is completely different, linear game with "ATB" combat VS open world game with action battles, this doesn't happen in the "old" FF.

Well, back on topic, good day for Persona 5 and Berseria, I'm glad! :D