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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

Roketan said:

Games that should get more points soon

Monster Hunter Stories
Final Fantasy XV

Games that should appear soon because otherwise...

The Last Guardian
World of Final Fantasy

Battlefield One

I would say COD IW but it will be released November in Japan (if i remember correctly) so it's 3 months away...

Also, i am curious to see how FIFA 17 will perform now that PES is dead in Japan and EA got the japanese license or something. IMO, Konami at one point should make a console version of the upcoming mobile game Powerful Pro Football which is basically Powerful Pro Baseball only with football instead of baseball. After seeing how well Powerful Pro Baseball 16 performed (400k) on PS4/PS3/PSV i don't think KONAMI will miss this chance.

These two should come soon, if not i'm really worried.

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ZODIARKrebirth said:
Roketan said:

Games that should get more points soon

Monster Hunter Stories
Final Fantasy XV

Games that should appear soon because otherwise...

The Last Guardian
World of Final Fantasy

Battlefield One

I would say COD IW but it will be released November in Japan (if i remember correctly) so it's 3 months away...

Also, i am curious to see how FIFA 17 will perform now that PES is dead in Japan and EA got the japanese license or something. IMO, Konami at one point should make a console version of the upcoming mobile game Powerful Pro Football which is basically Powerful Pro Baseball only with football instead of baseball. After seeing how well Powerful Pro Baseball 16 performed (400k) on PS4/PS3/PSV i don't think KONAMI will miss this chance.

These two should come soon, if not i'm really worried.

In my opinion, Square is making a big mistake releasing WoFF so close to FFXV. This should be a Dec/Jan game. I mean even if they market the game nobody will notice it with FFXV around. It's only chance of being a success is the good word of mouth (so legs). Regarding The Last Guardian, Team ICO games never did hot in Japan it doesn't really matter if the game bombs there. It's audience is US/EU.

Roketan said:
ZODIARKrebirth said:

These two should come soon, if not i'm really worried.

In my opinion, Square is making a big mistake releasing WoFF so close to FFXV. This should be a Dec/Jan game. I mean even if they market the game nobody will notice it with FFXV around. It's only chance of being a success is the good word of mouth (so legs). Regarding The Last Guardian, Team ICO games never did hot in Japan it doesn't really matter if the game bombs there. It's audience is US/EU.

The release date isn't the best choice, i agree, but i don't think that ff xv affect much world of ff, as for me it's completly different. It has turn-based battles, so maybe customer that didn't like the way ff xv is going would purchase this game. But as world of ff didn't show up in the charts even yet, isn't a good sign...even on amazon japan it's placed between 200th and 300th...

Roketan said:
kopstudent89 said:
Bloody hell FF.. Never seen the franchise lacking any interest before

Final Fantasy Explorers and the last FF music game for 3DS kinda bombed in Japan.

FFT-0 HD sold around what it should sell (120k). It was an HD version of a PSP game that sold 700k back in the day and you could download it form PSN on your PSP/PSV for less than 1000Yen. It's purpose was the FFXV demo and if you compare it to FFXIII demo that was bundle with FF7 movie, the FFXV sold more than FFXIII.

FFXHD in Japan was a big success though. Sold 500k on a system that was dying (PS3) and on a system that was still lacking in sales (PSVITA). This is proof that FF is still alive in Japan, and that FFXV can't gather interest because it doesn't look like a FF game.

I agree on everything you said, but XV looks like a FF game. I don`t think that how it looks is the reason. And more the fact that the mainstream simply isn`t there anymore on home consoles. And this generation shows this clearly.

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Butcher2709 said:
Roketan said:

Final Fantasy Explorers and the last FF music game for 3DS kinda bombed in Japan.

FFT-0 HD sold around what it should sell (120k). It was an HD version of a PSP game that sold 700k back in the day and you could download it form PSN on your PSP/PSV for less than 1000Yen. It's purpose was the FFXV demo and if you compare it to FFXIII demo that was bundle with FF7 movie, the FFXV sold more than FFXIII.

FFXHD in Japan was a big success though. Sold 500k on a system that was dying (PS3) and on a system that was still lacking in sales (PSVITA). This is proof that FF is still alive in Japan, and that FFXV can't gather interest because it doesn't look like a FF game.

I agree on everything you said, but XV looks like a FF game. I don`t think that how it looks is the reason. And more the fact that the mainstream simply isn`t there anymore on home consoles. And this generation shows this clearly.

Someone who knows japanese should tell us what the japanese are thinking regarding FFXV. Like, if they like the locations, gameplay, what they see etc.

I don't think that the mainstream has left. And by mainstream i mean the 10million that bought PS3 and not the mainstream that bought PS2 because that mainstream doesn't exist anymore. For example MGSV is on it's way to outsell MGSIV in Japan (if it hasn't already). Dark Souls 3 outsold Dark Souls 2 if we include digital sales. Persona 5 will sell more than any Persona game. All the games i mentioned right now sell on the range 300k-700k which isn't a niche number.

Roketan said:
Butcher2709 said:

I agree on everything you said, but XV looks like a FF game. I don`t think that how it looks is the reason. And more the fact that the mainstream simply isn`t there anymore on home consoles. And this generation shows this clearly.

Someone who knows japanese should tell us what the japanese are thinking regarding FFXV. Like, if they like the locations, gameplay, what they see etc.

I don't think that the mainstream has left. And by mainstream i mean the 10million that bought PS3 and not the mainstream that bought PS2 because that mainstream doesn't exist anymore. For example MGSV is on it's way to outsell MGSIV in Japan (if it hasn't already). Dark Souls 3 outsold Dark Souls 2 if we include digital sales. Persona 5 will sell more than any Persona game. All the games i mentioned right now sell on the range 300k-700k which isn't a niche number.

See you can say what you want about Final Fantasy XV, but it really was 13 franchise that did the damage to the brand, 13 was not well receieved in Japan compared to rest, it was actually the first place to give warning signs of the game (A lot of people were in denial at first, and just downright blamed Xbox360 for the changes, it was really fun times). 13 itself did fine (subjective), because of the brand, but it has just about as many 5s on amazon as it did 1s, and that is what damaged the brand. It is the same reason a lot of people I know have zero faith in Square now a days.

 I think ultamitely they have to rebuild that relationship with the fanbase in that region of the world. If Final Fantasy XV is great not just good or passable (which it sadly is about 50/50 chance, since all of the warning signs are there; long development time, changing of teams, questionable cast direction), Final Fantasy XVI might actual have the first increase in the franchise. 


Acevil said:
Roketan said:

Someone who knows japanese should tell us what the japanese are thinking regarding FFXV. Like, if they like the locations, gameplay, what they see etc.

I don't think that the mainstream has left. And by mainstream i mean the 10million that bought PS3 and not the mainstream that bought PS2 because that mainstream doesn't exist anymore. For example MGSV is on it's way to outsell MGSIV in Japan (if it hasn't already). Dark Souls 3 outsold Dark Souls 2 if we include digital sales. Persona 5 will sell more than any Persona game. All the games i mentioned right now sell on the range 300k-700k which isn't a niche number.

See you can say what you want about Final Fantasy XV, but it really was 13 franchise that did the damage to the brand, 13 was not well receieved in Japan compared to rest, it was actually the first place to give warning signs of the game

Are you sure? Didn't japanese voted Lighting as the best FF heroine in a poll? Also XIII-2 managed to sell 900k which i don't think it could if the first one had a bad reception.

BEASTERIA had a beastly day today. Ps4 #1 on amazon and ps3 #10. Hopefully the ps4 version sells a good margin more.

Anyone know when the next tales is likely to release? end of 2017 or 2018 more likely?

Acevil said:

See you can say what you want about Final Fantasy XV, but it really was 13 franchise that did the damage to the brand, 13 was not well receieved in Japan compared to rest, it was actually the first place to give warning signs of the game...

I think what did the damage was the longevity of XIII saga for the most part, which was nether expected or wanted. XIII story had a suitable ending, but then they enforced time traveling story line just to drag the saga way too far for absolutely no good reason. I really don't think XIII in itself was as much hated as you think.