italo244 said:
I agree, they must be agressive on USA. |
When do you think they will give the PS3 a price cut?
My PS3 broke a few years back, been livin on 360/Wii since. However I want to buy a new PS3. I remember last Boxing Day they sold them for $200, and looking just now, all retailers have cut the price of the GTAV PS3 bundle to $270. I'm very tempted to get the GTA IV Bundle, but at the same time, I only have a few 360 games left to beat, the system is starting to go, I kinda want to finish them first and get a PS3 on likely a better Black Friday deal.
Not waiting any longer then Black Friday though, it's been too long, and The Last of Us/GT6/Tales of Xillia look too good.
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