Kresnik said:
nanzano said:
So looks like the demo of GE2 RB is having more effect on the ps4 version than the vita one(as I expected due to the console version) according to amazon, but it is still early to say if it is going into beast mode, but I think a beast mode is coming because the game is FREAKY AWESOME at 1080P!! The Best MONSTER HUNTING Game EVER, WAYY Better than MH Frontier G6 :D
Funny, the reception I've heard about the game on GAF is that the PS4 version is a lazy port. Black borders because it doesn't run at full screen resolution; jaggies everywhere and framerate drops.
:D the Demo starts with GE2 not GE2 RB and yeah it is a port of GE2 with additional mind blowing effects if you costomise your weapons and start to fight real bosses. I watched some videos of RB and its better. lol they asked me to configure the full screen at the begining, like omega quintet the default sreen is 720P, as of frame drops I didn't noticed it. And I don't know what poeple were expecting it is still build up with the PSP Engine, it is like criticize FF Type-0 to not be like FF15, The optimisation of GE2(only) is already good imo