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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

tbone51 said:
italo244 said:
Someone want me to do a God Eater Burst x God Eater 2 Vita comparison? :)

also a monster hunter and pokemon one, all three should be epic to see everyday :)

I will try to make both, but i cant guarantee!

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italo244 said:
tbone51 said:
italo244 said:
Someone want me to do a God Eater Burst x God Eater 2 Vita comparison? :)

also a monster hunter and pokemon one, all three should be epic to see everyday :)

I will try to make both, but i cant guarantee!

where is a link to that database? maybe i could do it? ....Maybe

tbone51 said:
italo244 said:
tbone51 said:
italo244 said:
Someone want me to do a God Eater Burst x God Eater 2 Vita comparison? :)

also a monster hunter and pokemon one, all three should be epic to see everyday :)

I will try to make both, but i cant guarantee!

where is a link to that database? maybe i could do it? ....Maybe

I dont know, im searching on the old thread! xD

pezus said:

I know all that very well. However, that doesn't change the point I was making. The barrier of entry for games to the COMG chart is usually very low, often 15-30 points or so. Any game worth noting will make that. The point was that PS3 doesn't dominate in terms of amount on games on the COMG charts because the charts are Sony-centric, BUT because PS3 actually gets the greatest support (most numerous games).

Actually, it doesn't or at least didn't until perhaps recently.  For years the DS was both the sales and volume leader yet it never dominated the COMG charts.

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Oh, PSP version wants to put some battle, hopefully this will be interesting.

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Fairy Fencer eh? At first glance I thought it was Final Fantasy!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

gosh when pokemon comes to the chartz, things will get crazy up in here. God eater, monster hunter, Pokemon...

mother of god

MonHun above 2000 pts !!!
I've got high hopes for God Eater 2. If only it was Vita exclusive. Maybe 500pts for both version ?
Also what is this new Fencer game ?

Pezus, hence why I said recently. Though I suppose recent is subjective.

The older you get, the further back 'recent' stretches.

Perhaps the drive it home, during the years that the DS dominated. Such as when the entire Media-Create, Famitsu and VGC top 1 in Japan were all DS titles. Even back then, pre-orders were still dominated by Sony consoles. That's just the way it's always been and I really don't understand why can't acknowledge that.

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pezus said:
Viper1 said:

Pezus, hence why I said recently. Though I suppose recent is subjective.

The older you get, the further back 'recent' stretches.

Perhaps the drive it home, during the years that the DS dominated. Such as when the entire Media-Create, Famitsu and VGC top 1 in Japan were all DS titles. Even back then, pre-orders were still dominated by Sony consoles. That's just the way it's always been and I really don't understand why can't acknowledge that.

But the thread didn't start until around 2010 if I'm not mistaken. I am not denying that PS games get more points per title. I'm saying that there are actually more PS games because there are more PS games...

But there are always some DS and 3DS games in the charts that have way higher points than anything else. Which just means the number if titles is less, but the titles are bigger (and sell more systems on their own).

Then please explain to the me the point variance between the average Nintendo console's COMG points/actual sales against the average Sony console's COMG points/actual sales?

If it were just that there are more Sony console games (which there is indeed more now), then the point variance would not exist.

Also, while the thread my not have existed before 2010, pre-orders most certainly did.  Pre-orders have been reported at some places (like for a very long time.

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