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Found this on GAF -

3DS Game shipments.
Game Last Update Dec. 2013 Plus
Fire Emblem: Awakening 1.290.000 (Sep. 13) 1.430.000 + 140.000
Pokemon Rumble Blast 1.310.000 (Jun. 13) 1.350.000 + 40.000
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 1.040.000 (Jun. 13) 1.270.000 + 230.000
Kid Icarus: Uprising 1.210.000 (Jun. 13) 1.230.000 + 20.000
Mario Tennis Open 1.160.000 (Jun. 13) 1.210.000 + 50.000
Style Savvy: Trendsetters N/A 1.030.000 + 1.030.000

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

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I guessed 295k specifically with a range of 270k-320k. In retrospect I think my COMG! prediction / sub 300k prediction was completely fine since it was 325k.

benao87 said:

I don't care for what people on NeoGaf took for granted, my point is about what happened in this thread. My japanese is not very good (must rely on dictionaries) I think it says "GameShop: MarioKart 8 is a RocketStart. First week may be aprox. 400k"

Probably first day sales were really good, and this is worrying as a front loaded MK is probably the least thing Nintendo wants.

Now, the whole thing started because Hiska couldn't understand why people were predicting less than 300k, when there were information (the blog entry), that suggested that it could go up to 400k. And then baldr downplaying the blog.

Yes, 400k is as close to 325k as 250k. And assuming it was going to be 400k by that blog entry is not sensible. But, was a useful piece of information that some people choose to ignore.

Put it this way. The blog suggested 400k. I suggested 295k.

Who was closer? Me

Who should be closer if we were to trust them as a source? The blog.

From GAF again, I had to do it in tables because the formating was messed up-

Wii SW Shipments -

Game Last Update Dec. 2013 Plus
Wii Party 8.850.000 (Jun. 13) 8.920.000 + 70.000
Maio Party 8 8.720.000 (Jun. 13) 8.850.000 + 130.000
Super Mario Galaxy 2 7.330.000 (Sep. 13) 7.410.000 + 80.000
Zelda: Twilight Princess 7.200.000 (Sep. 13) 7.260.000 + 60.000
Donkey Kong Country: Returns 6.300.000 (Jun. 13) 6.530.000 + 230.000
Animal Crossing: City Folk 4.270.000 (Jun. 13) 4.320.000 + 50.000
Super Paper Mario 4.110.000 (Jun. 13) 4.230.000 + 120.000
Zelda: Skyward Sword 3.660.000 (Sep. 13) 3.670.000 + 10.000
Mario Party 9 2.950.000 (Jun. 13) 3.110.000 + 160.000
Mario Strikers: Charged 2.580.000 (Jun. 13) 2.600.000 + 20.000
Kirbys Epic Yarn 1.840.000 (Jun. 13) 1.850.000 + 10.000
Mario Power Tennis GCN 1.770.000 (Jun. 13) 1.790.000 + 20.000
Kirby Return Dreamland 1.740.000 (Jun. 13) 1.790.000 + 50.000
Wii Play: Motion 1.610.000 (Jun. 13) 1.640.000 + 30.000
Metroid Prime 3 1.420.000 (Jun. 13) 1.410.000 - 10.000
PokePark Wii: Pikachus Adv 1.200.000 (Jun. 13) 1.250.000 + 50.000
Punch-Out!! 1.130.000 (Jun. 13) 1.140.000 + 10.000

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

Farsala said:

Put it this way. The blog suggested 400k. I suggested 295k.

Who was closer? Me

Who should be closer if we were to trust them as a source? The blog.

I know you are awesome, but if hiska comes again talking about certain info, I'd take his word over your prediciton abilites.

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benao87 said:
Farsala said:

Put it this way. The blog suggested 400k. I suggested 295k.

Who was closer? Me

Who should be closer if we were to trust them as a source? The blog.

I know you are awesome, but if hiska comes again talking about certain info, I'd take his word over your prediciton abilites.

Honestly the point of the post was not to pat myself on the back. But to downplay the importance of that blog. I trust Hiska more then the blog personally. When he cites the blog, I get confused :(.

What a lot of debate Hiska has caused!

Kresnik said:
What a lot of debate Hiska has caused!

And conveniently he is missing. Banhammer-time!

Pretty good day. Should be interesting tomorrow!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.