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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

RolStoppable said:
Go go go, Mario Kart 8!

POE, it's time to post the Mario party hard GIF again. Time to freak out, everyone.

You are right. Time to celebrate and burn eyes!!!

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RolStoppable said:
Is that really the same GIF as last time? I remember collapsing to the floor back then, but this time... nothing.

You are stronger my friend.

Mario Kart maybe number one again tomorrow. I wonder if InFAMOUS can beat Donkey Kongs FW numbers in Japan of 38k?

BraLoD said:
At least a good day, the chart is green all over.
20 x 20 today, YW2 still putting a fight with MK8 until the 10 final days, wow, when YW2 hits it's 10 finals days it will be huge.
And good to MK8, almost reaching MK7 and most likely will surpass it.

MK8 already surpass MK7 a long time ago

Click HERE and be happy 

Good day for Yokai and MK.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

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You done good MK8, now just don't fall too hard on your way out of the weekend.

Also, I just noticed how astoundingly few PS3 games are on that list.

Hopefully with this new commercials, Mario Kart 8 doesn't fall to low tomorrow, and it can keep up ahead of Mario Kart 7, and hopefully get to atleast some 300 points.

COMG guide to points: 1 point = Raging. 2 points = Beasting. 3 points = Tearing it up. 4 points = Berzerk. 7 points = Rampage. 12 points = Burst. 15 points = god mode. 20+ points = DIVIDING BY ZERO!!! 40+ points = Youkai (originally Pokemon).

-1 = Negabeasting. -5= NegaRampage. -10 = NegaBurst

Sure looks to me like Mario Kart 8 is #1 again NOW. The fact that it's tied for first doesn't make it not first.

the_dengle said:
Sure looks to me like Mario Kart 8 is #1 again NOW. The fact that it's tied for first doesn't make it not first.

Waiting for tomorrow!!! I hope MK8 becomes number 1, i got those post ready for some >:)