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RolStoppable said:
Go go go, Mario Kart 8!

Can't wait for the Wii U to kick the PS4 in its balls.

Aw, it's so cute to see you excited for something. No matter if that something is the demise of another thing.

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NintendoPie said:
RolStoppable said:
Go go go, Mario Kart 8!

Can't wait for the Wii U to kick the PS4 in its balls.

Aw, it's so cute to see you excited for something. No matter if that something is the demise of another thing.

Calling Rol cute.

I actually laughed at this.


Tlozjb said:
Clyde32 said:
Tlozjb said:
Do my eyes deceive me or did Mario Kart 8 almost reached the point of dividing by zero?!

Ready your gifs everyone.

Kermit is ready to go crazy once Mario Kart 8 divides by zero! Which hopefully will be tomorrow!

Divide by Zero Kermit

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

Tlozjb said:
Clyde32 said:
Tlozjb said:
Do my eyes deceive me or did Mario Kart 8 almost reached the point of dividing by zero?!

Ready your gifs everyone.

Kermit is ready to go crazy once Mario Kart 8 divides by zero! Which hopefully will be tomorrow!

Just waiting for another excuse to post this one. 

_crazy_man_ said:

Divide by Zero Kermit

O__________O It is perfect!

Not sure how to do a multi-quote, sooo

@Clyde32: Soon, soon mah boy, in 21 hours and 46 minutes will be the time to post it again!

COMG guide to points: 1 point = Raging. 2 points = Beasting. 3 points = Tearing it up. 4 points = Berzerk. 7 points = Rampage. 12 points = Burst. 15 points = god mode. 20+ points = DIVIDING BY ZERO!!! 40+ points = Youkai (originally Pokemon).

-1 = Negabeasting. -5= NegaRampage. -10 = NegaBurst

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Boutros said:
As I said a while ago, I think Persona Q would be best compared to SMT IV. It had 103 points 20 days from release which is similar to Persona Q. And so there's a chance that Persona Q does over 180k FW. It can't really be seen as the first game in the series on the 3DS because mostly all of the main Shin Megami Tensei games fans are also fans of the Persona series.

I agree with you, Shin Megami Tense IV is the best comparation for Persona Q. And it's beating that game, so a +200k opening seems a lock if it keeps going this way, and +300k LTD.

I wasn't expecting this kind of numbers for this game because it's an spinn off, and it might beat a main series. At first i was thinking for a 100-120k opening for a 200k LTD at best.

This fact shows that the Persona series is huge, and the fanbase keeps growing and growing everyday. if a spin off can do this numbers, Persona 5 will sell more than 500K on PS3. It's amazing when you check that Persona 4 sold "just" 350k in Japan on PS2. High expectation fir P5, it will be the last PS3 huge game.

i'll add, that i'm in japan and if you go to a game shop, the main titles adverts are Mario Kart 8 and Youkai Watch at the moment. But the third game that has more presence is Persona Q. So the marketing is also good.

Media Create Annual Archive (Spanish version)

Wow. Keep it up Mario Kart!


1. If the Wii U sells closer to 10 million LTD by 1/3/2015 I win. If it sells closer to 9.5 million LTD by 1/3/2015 OfficerRaichu15 wins (winner gets 2 weeks of avatar control)--Lost.

hiska-kun said:
Boutros said:
As I said a while ago, I think Persona Q would be best compared to SMT IV. It had 103 points 20 days from release which is similar to Persona Q. And so there's a chance that Persona Q does over 180k FW. It can't really be seen as the first game in the series on the 3DS because mostly all of the main Shin Megami Tensei games fans are also fans of the Persona series.

I agree with you, Shin Megami Tense IV is the best comparation for Persona Q. And it's beating that game, so a +200k opening seems a lock if it keeps going this way, and +300k LTD.

I wasn't expecting this kind of numbers for this game because it's an spinn off, and it might beat a main series. At first i was thinking for a 100-120k opening for a 200k LTD at best.

This fact shows that the Persona series is huge, and the fanbase keeps growing and growing everyday. if a spin off can do this numbers, Persona 5 will sell more than 500K on PS3. It's amazing when you check that Persona 4 sold "just" 350k in Japan on PS2. High expectation fir P5, it will be the last PS3 huge game.

i'll add, that i'm in japan and if you go to a game shop, the main titles adverts are Mario Kart 8 and Youkai Watch at the moment. But the third game that has more presence is Persona Q. So the marketing is also good.

Yeah and Persona 5 should be pretty huge oversea as well. The franchise has grown so much since Persona 4. We haven't had the opportunity to see that growth yet but more and more people outside of the internet have become aware of the series thanks to amazing word of mouth. It should be the first Shin Megami Tensei game to clear 1 million sales with a single release.

Jesus Mario Kart, the club can't handle you.

That's the way, MK. Now try to keep up a good pace.