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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How Important Is Music In Games

Step 1: pick out your favorite horror film
Step 2: watch it without sound
Step 3: turn sound back on but close your eyes
Step 4: come to the realization that sound is much more important to setting an atmosphere than visuals.

does that answer your question?

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Music is extremely important, the thing that really freaked me out the first time I played games Silent Hill and Resident Evil was the creepy music!
Also, many may not have noticed; but Half-Life actually has sublime music, as does the Quake series (Rob Zombie wrote a Quake theme once, look it up and listen!).

Music is one of the pivotal points of a game. It sets the tone, and often provides enjoyment in and of itself self (like in Shadow of the Colossus).

Just imagine Resident Evil without music, or movies like the Lord of the Rings. Hell, look at games like Mario and the Legend of Zelda. What would Zelda be like with the original Hyrule theme, or without Zelda's Lullaby or the Lost Woods music in the Ocarina of Time?

rocketpig said:
It's really important to me because a great soundtrack can push a game over the top.

What would Halo be without that wonderful score to add atmosphere to important parts of the game?

What would Zelda be without the main theme (though Big N doesn't use it much anymore, the bastards)?

I don't even have to mention the Mario theme.

BioShock, Silent Hill, and many of the most successful "adult-oriented" games use music to engage the player and heighten the mood. Without that music, it's a lot harder to achieve an epic feeling in-game (probably stemming from our love of film and John Williams over the past 30 years). Gamers have come to expect the score to match the experience, foreshadow events, etc.

While Nintendo doesn't use the main Hyrule theme directly anymore, it has been rearranged, remixed, or used as influence for many Zelda songs since the original. You can here heavy traces of the song while sailing in the Wind Waker, and the song is used in the "Legendary Hero" opening of the game. The song is also used in the theme playing on title screen of Twilight Princess.

music is important
have to match which music best matches the world to feel the mood

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Gameplay is more important.

Great music at the right time makes certain moments much more memorable for me. A great game should be able to draw you in IMO and music is a very important part of creating the proper atmosphere. Pretty much all of my favorite games have at least a couple of songs that stuck with me. At the same time a lackluster soundtrack is always disappointing and can be an immediate turn off. It’s also worth noting that while graphics age a good soundtrack can be timeless.

It’s definitely not the most important aspect of a game, but I do find that it’s something that can differentiate good games from great games.

Music is very important. It helps to set the mood of a game.

@wordsofwisodm, nice avatar dude.



Great games have great music.

If you can combine great music,graphics and gameplay? you got yourself a work of art. Not a video game.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

