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In an email being sent to GameStop customers, the retailer announces that Too Human, the upcoming Silicon Knights action RPG, will be shipping on May 6.

Full story here:

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I don't know how to respond to this. On the one hand i'm kind of glad that it is finally coming out, on the other i'm kind of "meh" with this game. The last thing i saw of this game was that trailer were the main character fought that machine in the bar. After seeing it i became less interested in the game. If it turns out better than expected then i may pick it up. Probably won't pick it up first week though.

I'm really stoked for this game. We have Brawl in this half of the year (thought here in Australia, that's a BIG maybe), but other than that Microsoft and Sony have put back all their big titles till the second half of the year. Too Human is looking more and more impressive.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I hope that we will get a demo before it's release !
And I hope that they will show it at the GDC.


I would expect a demo for this game. Though i may be pleasantly surprised, I expect the game to be fairly linear (given it's nature this is not a bad thing). What this means is they can easily give us the first ten minutes of gameplay or a particularly interesting part of the game without much extra development and without giving much away.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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This looks like such an awesome game potentially. Lets hope it turns out to be amazing.



Its being hyped as a kind of sci-fi next-gen God of War!!! I don't know if it will end up being that much like God of War, but I do know that it is looking incredible.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Of all the times it could have came out it's too bad it will be a week after GTAIV (if the release date is accurate).

im shocked. absolutley shocked. i thought this would never happen. i mean wasnt that game already discussed pre n64 launch or something like that?

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May ..
wait for it ...
after GTA4
only one week