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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Next Xbox Reveal Set For May 21

Hynad said:
bananaking21 said:

more like people being extremely immature. but ohh well. lets just hope this thread turns around

Immature people on video game forums?

You're kidding, right?

wait is that an opinion you are saying? i dont take those nicely, you better agree with me on everything i say or i will bitch and moan relentlessly 

Around the Network
Smeags said:
Looks like I'll be watching this on May 21.

Definitely looking forward to it, and I'm sure my brother is as well (really loves his X360). Console reveals are always exciting. ^_^

they certainly are! heck im excited and i dont even game on xbox!

bananaking21 said:
Smeags said:
Looks like I'll be watching this on May 21.

Definitely looking forward to it, and I'm sure my brother is as well (really loves his X360). Console reveals are always exciting. ^_^

they certainly are! heck im excited and i dont even game on xbox!

That's why you love me.

bananaking21 said:

they certainly are! heck im excited and i dont even game on xbox!

Well I never technically owned an Xbox 360 either, but I spent hours and hours playing on my brother's system. From Bioshock to Batman: Arkham City (heck, I even used my own money on his account to buy Symphony of the Night haha), there were some great gaming moments on that system for me.

So he and I will tune in for some next-gen Xbox goodness. And just like last gen he'll come over to play on my Nintendo console and I'll go over to his place for some Xbox goodness.

pezus said:
TimCliveroller said:
Funny how low is the message count for such news. If this was the other side, the site would explode.

Do you see me laughing?

I don't know if you're joking, considering your new avatar xDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Around the Network
VGKing said:
Am I the only one who thinks the TV stream is a bad idea? It means they're going to try to put up a show. A console revealing isn't supposed to be entertainment, its supposed to be informative. We want specs, we want game announcements and we want to know what makes this different from the competition.

So please Microsoft, keep this as press conference-y as possible. Keep the showbiz stuff out of it. We don't need to see Usher performing his latest single.

Everything now is a show, meant to capture and promote and market.  It is meant to excite and get people pumped, and promise the future.  Failure to do this ends up meaning failure to capture mindshare.

bananaking21 said:
where is the hype people? when the ps4 date was announced people went crazy and a billion threads were made. the forums exploded. come on people you can be hyped more than this!

I'm very hyped! I was hyped to for the PS4 announcement as well but I'm a little bit more hyped for this ;) . 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Proclus said:

On Tuesday May 21 st, we’ll mark the beginning of a new generation of games, TV and entertainment.
On that day, we’ll be holding a special press event on the Xbox campus and we invite you to join us via the live global stream that will be available on , Xbox LIVE and broadcast on Spike TV if
you are in the US or Canada.

On that day, we’ll share our vision for Xbox, and
give you a real taste of the future. Then, 19-days
later at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in
Los Angeles, we’ll continue the conversation and
showcase our full lineup of blockbuster games.

We are thrilled to pull back the curtain and reveal
what we’ve been working on.

A New Generation Revealed
Xbox Campus, Redmond WA
Tuesday, May 21st @ 1p ET/10a PT/17:00 GMT

Follow me on Twitter where I’ll share updates
leading up to the event.


Oh man I can't wait. The wait for next generation has been a looong one!

Kantor said:

Just to briefly discuss the fiasco in this thread:

There is no rule saying that only Microsoft fans can post in Microsoft Discussion. There is no rule saying that everyone here has to be positive about everything Microsoft does all the time. There is a fairly clear line between reasonable opinion and mindless bashing, and nobody here is crossing that line.

And even if they were, a forum thread with its own topic is really not the place to be discussing such things. Report, PM the user in question if you like, move on, and discuss the actual topic of this thread.

Speaking of which, I think it's a very good idea to be televising the initial announcement: Sony have a few months' head start on them, and they need to get the word about the next Xbox out as quickly as possible, not just to dedicated enthusiasts who will watch online livestreams, but to the larger gaming population. I still think, however, that waiting this long was something of a mistake, especially with the negative rumours (always online, no used games) that have been swirling around.

I used to think MS waiting so long to announce their console was a dumb move, but now I'm starting to think otherwise. Casual gamers have a short attention span when it comes to gaming news and generally only remember key facts about things. Taking their announcement to TV again, and so close to E3 probably suggests that this announcement will have a few key details about the system, but mostly cater to casuals (may or may not be a bad thing). It'll probably have a lot of the cheesy showmanship (dance routines and Mountain Dew) that they've used in the past at E3 events and make their E3 presentation more gamer focused.

The time slot of the event is the only negative I see from this announcement. Most people worth notifying via television will either be at work or outside enjoying the day. That leaves broke college students, stay at home moms/dads, and the unemployed as their audience. We'll see I guess.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


pezus said:
Proclus said:
Quick and to the point conference will be best, 1.5 hours max:

Shown console, controller and camera.

Show off the OS, some apps, one exclusive game and one E3 teaser. Confirm Destiny, Witcher 3, Battlefield 4 etc, tell us the specs and thank us for coming, see you at E3.

No cringe-worthy lenghty nonsense about how developers should love it or anything like that.

I thought talking about how PS4 will be a vast improvement over PS3 for developers was anything but cringe-worthy. What was cringe-worthy about that?

Cringe-worthy was the Usher performance at E3 that's for sure.  To be honest I like the way sony did it with showing little details about the ps4 and showing some awesome games and are leaving out the big stuff for E3 and TGS.  I think MS will do it mostly the same way.  They might show the console, but the conference will be overall in the same format.