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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Load of games coming this holiday for Wii U. Should be epic. (rumored titles ADDED)

JGarret said:
Is Nintendo having a big holiday this year surprising?´s not, basically they have to if they want the Wii U to stay afloat, plus we all know Mario Kart/3D Mario/Zelda remake are coming.

So, what is the surprise here? it that, in addition to Mario Kart/Wind Waker remake/3D Mario (if it´s even coming out this year), all those other games (Bayonetta 2, X, Smash, etc..) could be released this year too?..because, no way that´s happening.

Well a holiday with two massive IPs like Mario Kart and a 3D mario or Smash is pretty big news in its own right. Any combonation of two of those IPs is very big.

Plus we have quite a few known IPs coming like the ZeldaWWHD and various 3rd party titles.

But on a Nitnendo console with all of that quality first party combined with what looks like every AAA 3rd party except Battlefield seems to be a killer winter line-up that is certainly unprecedented by Nintendo.

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Mario 3D and Mario Kart are pretty much expected. I don't think Nintendo is bringing much to the table for people who don't live and die with Mario though.

If Smash, Kart, and Pikmin were all out by the holidays, I would most likely snag a Wii U, 100% I would if there's also a price cut. Course I doubt all that's gonna happen so no looks like Wii U for me this year. I'd be too busy with the 3DS anyways. :L

Soundwave said:

Mario 3D and Mario Kart are pretty much expected. I don't think Nintendo is bringing much to the table for people who don't live and die with Mario though.

Smash, Zelda, and Yoshi say hello.

JoeTheBro said:
Soundwave said:

Mario 3D and Mario Kart are pretty much expected. I don't think Nintendo is bringing much to the table for people who don't live and die with Mario though.

Smash, Zelda, and Yoshi say hello.

Yoshi is basically the same audience as the Mario games.

Zelda is an up-port of a 10 year old game that's pretty divise even to this day (one which didn't sell GameCubes 10 year ago).

I doubt Smash comes out this year, but even that ... relies a lot on Mario characters/appeal. Same audience. Maybe they can rush this out for holiday if they are desperate with an incomplete fighting roster and then throw in other characters later on as DLC. Things might be that dire, wouldn't surprise me.

Nintendo is doing little to nothing to attract anyone else, and they don't have the Wii Sports/Fit phenomenon going for them this time.

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Soundwave said:
JoeTheBro said:
Soundwave said:

Mario 3D and Mario Kart are pretty much expected. I don't think Nintendo is bringing much to the table for people who don't live and die with Mario though.

Smash, Zelda, and Yoshi say hello.

Yoshi is basically the same audience as the Mario games.

Zelda is an up-port of a 10 year old game that's pretty divise even to this day (one which didn't sell GameCubes 10 year ago).

I doubt Smash comes out this year, but even that ... relies a lot on Mario characters/appeal. Same audience. Maybe they can rush this out for holiday if they are desperate with an incomplete fighting roster and then throw in other characters later on as DLC. Things might be that dire, wouldn't surprise me.

Nintendo is doing little to nothing to attract anyone else, and they don't have the Wii Sports/Fit phenomenon going for them this time.

I think with Super Smash Bros. Brawl selling over 12Mil units (thus outselling Super Mario Galaxy 1&2) it is safe to assume the series has its own fanbase and audience and in fact is NOT the same audience as the Mario games...

KHlover said:
Soundwave said:
JoeTheBro said:
Soundwave said:

Mario 3D and Mario Kart are pretty much expected. I don't think Nintendo is bringing much to the table for people who don't live and die with Mario though.

Smash, Zelda, and Yoshi say hello.

Yoshi is basically the same audience as the Mario games.

Zelda is an up-port of a 10 year old game that's pretty divise even to this day (one which didn't sell GameCubes 10 year ago).

I doubt Smash comes out this year, but even that ... relies a lot on Mario characters/appeal. Same audience. Maybe they can rush this out for holiday if they are desperate with an incomplete fighting roster and then throw in other characters later on as DLC. Things might be that dire, wouldn't surprise me.

Nintendo is doing little to nothing to attract anyone else, and they don't have the Wii Sports/Fit phenomenon going for them this time.

I think with Super Smash Bros. Brawl selling over 12Mil units (thus outselling Super Mario Galaxy 1&2) it is safe to assume the series has its own fanbase and audience and in fact is NOT the same audience as the Mario games...

Why's it "safe to assume" that? Mario is still probably the lead character of the Smash Bros series, the same people interested in NSMB/Mario 3D/Mario Kart are likely fans of Smash Brothers.

Nintendo is basically relying on the same old 4-5 franchises over and over again.

no way smash is coming this year

Xenoblade WiiU might not be "X" but an actual HD port if the Spanish retailer thing is to be believed. Still thinking it's BS though. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

My first reaction was that the "Super Secret" document was fake, but when I thought more about it...this is a games company, not the Secret Service. They work daily in mushrooms and Triforces. It would not surprise me for staff to be light hearted and put Super-dooper-dooper hush hush on a document. And so much about the document seems right.

The biggest questions for me are SSB and SMU. We were told Smash was a ways off and SMU would be playable at e3. Having Smash on the list but SMU not seems backward. Over course, 3DS Zelda is also not there.

It could be that resources have been diverted and SMU is going to get extra work to be amazing but delayed, while MarioKart has been pushed up to sell systems. Smash is being done by Namco so perhaps they upped the effort there. This may have been easier than getting enough staff internally to get both SMU and MK out for Christmas.

I wasn't expecting it, but I can see Xenoblade 2 and Bayonetta 2 being out for Christmas. They are the games we've been seeing the most of. X had a lot going on its trailer, even multiplayer, vehicles, multiple enemies...they've also been working on it for what will be 3 years.

I don't think this stacked lineup would be overkill. It hits up various genres so the games won't compete against each other too much. And if they are saving MarioU, ZeldaU, Retro game and others for 2014 then there really isn't a problem with bringing the flood now, because they would have the titles to keep it going. That's even before considering the AAA third party support which Wii never saw. If Destiny and one or two others are announced for the system it will have a rediculous level of game support for the next 18 months or so. The kind of content we haven't seen since SNES days.