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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Load of games coming this holiday for Wii U. Should be epic. (rumored titles ADDED)

osed125 said:
Screamapillar said:
They say that now. Just wait til E3. They'll give a bunch of games a "Holiday 2013" release window, and half of them will get delayed into 2014 when Nintendo realizes in August when they're setting dates that they have nothing in the first half of next year without delayed 2013 games.

Happens every year.

^ This. I'm pretty sure Nintendo will show gameplay of the 3D Mario during E3 and say it's for Holiday 2013 and a couple of months later....summer 2014. 

This is one of the few things I really hate about Nintendo.

Same here. Their delays are infuriating.

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Lawlight said:

So, for about a year, people are supposed to live on Nintendoland, Lego City, NSMBU and MH3U? I guess you could play ports of the previous gen but no point in that when everyone has a 360 or a PS3.

I purposefully listed not a single game that was a late port and left out many others that are out or coming out before Q4, yet this is your response? How biased can one person get...

Well its obvious you're just trollin' the boards, so with that I bid you farewell.

only Smash will be enough to stay 100+ on WiiU and we already have MH3U.

If all those games come out by December?
That would be a total 180 for Wii U. Definitely worth a purchase.

It's just that simple.

superchunk said:
Lawlight said:

So, for about a year, people are supposed to live on Nintendoland, Lego City, NSMBU and MH3U? I guess you could play ports of the previous gen but no point in that when everyone has a 360 or a PS3.

I purposefully listed not a single game that was a late port and left out many others that are out or coming out before Q4, yet this is your response? How biased can one person get...

Well its obvious you're just trollin' the boards, so with that I bid you farewell.











And I mean him not you.

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Come on. Everybody knows anything "super secret" would be labeled "instruction manuals". Just like my your porn folder.

Impossible, quite a few of those.

Not that i don't think Nintendo will have a strong lineup this holiday, as they basically have to, or face right proper doom.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Well... let's wait for E3! 3D Mario is priority, but would hope they delay it a year to stop the constant release of MArio platformers. Needs a breather!

Lawlight said:
So, what do people play in the meantime?

I may actually still be playing Monster Hunter 3 U by the time all these games are released.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Is Nintendo having a big holiday this year surprising?´s not, basically they have to if they want the Wii U to stay afloat, plus we all know Mario Kart/3D Mario/Zelda remake are coming.

So, what is the surprise here? it that, in addition to Mario Kart/Wind Waker remake/3D Mario (if it´s even coming out this year), all those other games (Bayonetta 2, X, Smash, etc..) could be released this year too?..because, no way that´s happening.