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Forums - Sales Discussion - March 2013 NPD Thread! - 360:261k, 3DS:230k, PS3:212k, Wii:91k, DS:86k, WiiU:67k, PSV: 33k

MH sold less than 52k on wii u, nfs sold 10k and lego sold less than 130k... expect support to start waning even more.

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VGKing said:
Otakumegane said:
Soundwave said:
Heavenly_King said:

I really hope with SS, the VITA can get more sales. The demo is really good.

I know the WiiU is doing like crap, but I only care about the Vita, which is doing worst lol. Sony needs to do something!!!

Good PS3 number :)

There's nothing Sony can do in the West for the Vita. It's done. Soul Sacrifice isn't even going to sell half of Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed.

Sadly, I agree with you.

Still see them trying for 1 last price drop in the west  at Killzone launch (which is a terrible time).

Last price drop? There hasn't even been ONE.

We all saw how well Vita sold on Black Friday at $199. With more brand awareness and a larger library of games, I think Vita can have a better holiday this year than the last.(paired with a price drop of course)

We have to remember that even the Nintendo DS wasn't an overnight success. It takes years before these products are in the mainstream consumers heads. 

Call of Duty Vita sold extremely well considering its install base and the horrible reviews. Imagine how well the next one will sell if its half-decent and the entry price for Vita is lower? 

Was that the one with a game and an 8gb memory card?

Dude, even you have to admit that Pokemon alone would have crushed this thing. Now the Winter line up on 3DS can't be beat.

The thing's deader than the WiiU. And WiiU is already doing abysmally. 

Sony will have to take some hefty losses to salvage this. And I don't think they're willing. They've already lost so much on the PS3, they can't take a couple more years taking losses on PS4 (for it's 1st 4-5 years) and Vita. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

Carl2291 said:
VGKing said:
Nsanity said:

No new game > 1m
600k < gowj < gowa < tr, but the diff between each other is less than 10k
hunter / lego fan could be sad

Wow. So those God of War bundles really helped. So glad  to see God of War outsell Gears :D It'll most likely have better legs too

Gears games generally have better legs than God of War in America. At least, going by previous releases (Gears 2 and God of War 3, Gears 3 hasnt had long enough to judge).

God of War 3 released in 2010 and sold 89000 copies in 2012. Gears of War 2 released in 2008 and sold 94000 copies in 2012. Gears of War 2 has also currently sold more copies in 2013, than God of War 3.

Wrong. According to Vgchartz during 2012 in the US, God of War III sold 314,000 > Gears of War 2 sold 94,000. You're forgetting that the God of War Saga released in 2012 and includes God of War III so many people simply bought that collection instead because it's so cheap and includes 5 games. God of War III has had better legs than all of the Gears of War games and has almost definitely sold over 6 million to date (5.2m May 30th 2012, GoW Saga & GoW Omega collections released since then and a budget essential edition in EU). If the GoW Saga keeps up its amazing pace (160k this year so far) then it will probably outsell Gears of War 2 lifetime. Vgchartz doesn't even track the South America exclusive God of War Omega Edition which included all the God of War games.

God of War: Ascension will very likely have better legs in the US over Gears of War: Judgment which is already decreasing more week vs week than God of War: Ascension is. And GoW:A is undertracked by at least 40,000k according to NPD (creamsugar shared the rough numbers) whereas GeoW:J is only under by 10k.

Otakumegane said:
Nsanity said:


100k < lego < hunter 3ds+wiiu < 130k
nfs < 10k
IGN4.7 ~ 30k

If EA couldn't hate Nintendo enough already lol.

This isn't really funny though...its sad. How can any publisher justify porting games over when they sell this horrible?

VGKing said:
Otakumegane said:
Nsanity said:


100k < lego < hunter 3ds+wiiu < 130k
nfs < 10k
IGN4.7 ~ 30k

If EA couldn't hate Nintendo enough already lol.

This isn't really funny though...its sad. How can any publisher justify porting games over when they sell this horrible?

They can't. EA is done with Nintendo. 

God. 8th gen is looking to be more and more of closing devs, failing consoles, and more money grabbing practices.

Sickening. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

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Ail said:

The only increase WiiU got those weeks is the imaginary one VGChartz gave it as demonstrate the latest NPD..

It wasn't imaginary. I have a hard time believing that VGC is that far off on that front. SW increases HW. Don't try to disregard this.

VGKing said:
Otakumegane said:
Nsanity said:


100k < lego < hunter 3ds+wiiu < 130k
nfs < 10k
IGN4.7 ~ 30k

If EA couldn't hate Nintendo enough already lol.

This isn't really funny though...its sad. How can any publisher justify porting games over when they sell this horrible?

They can't. and believe me publishers recieve and look at NPD. I expect the support to stop completely if the numbers don't drastically improve this year. And I'm not just talking about heavy hitters getting good holiday sales. that is expected

NintendoPie said:
Ail said:

The only increase WiiU got those weeks is the imaginary one VGChartz gave it as demonstrate the latest NPD..

It wasn't imaginary. I have a hard time believing that VGC is that far off on that front. SW increases HW. Don't try to disregard this.

4k a week isn't far off... but it's the difference between an increase and a decrease

VGKing said:
Otakumegane said:
Nsanity said:


100k < lego < hunter 3ds+wiiu < 130k
nfs < 10k
IGN4.7 ~ 30k

If EA couldn't hate Nintendo enough already lol.

This isn't really funny though...its sad. How can any publisher justify porting games over when they sell this horrible?

Some people will still claim it made money because porting to the wii U is so cheap according to them

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Does it normally take this long for HandHeld numbers? Or are they already up and I am just oblivious?