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Forums - Sales Discussion - March 2013 NPD Thread! - 360:261k, 3DS:230k, PS3:212k, Wii:91k, DS:86k, WiiU:67k, PSV: 33k

Joaco <3 N64 said:
Wow, NFS tanked really hard on Wii U.

I really wonder about the future of multi-plats on this system at all. Because that was honestly a pretty good effort. I wonder what the LTD on Black Ops 2 on Wii U is, probably not good.

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Lol WiiU being outsold by a 14 year old Hardware :P

But, who can really worry when tonight we are getting the full track of this piece of awesomeness (if we have not already with all those leaks):


Vita works here too. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

Nsanity said:


100k < lego < hunter 3ds+wiiu < 130k
nfs < 10k
IGN4.7 ~ 30k

Holy crap at NFS.  I'm guessing there goes much of EA's support for the Wii U.

so god of war outsold gears in america if you include bundles

pretty impressive

Around the Network

Wait... wait... wait...

GoW is undertracked and beat Gears???

And all there threads talking about how Gears destroyed GoW?

Soundwave said:
Joaco <3 N64 said:
Wow, NFS tanked really hard on Wii U.

I really wonder about the future of multi-plats on this system at all. Because that was honestly a pretty good effort. I wonder what the LTD on Black Ops 2 on Wii U is, probably not good.

I think we won't be seeing EA games for Wii U in the future at all,  other publishers will continue to support it though, and many more will as the userbase grows. (fingers crossed sales will pick up)


Hopefully Ubisoft will support it the whole gen.

Otakumegane said:


Vita works here too.

Ahahaha, perfect.

ethomaz said:
Wait... wait... wait...

GoW is undertracked and beat Gears???

And all there threads talking about how Gears destroyed GoW?

Soundwave said:
Heavenly_King said:

I really hope with SS, the VITA can get more sales. The demo is really good.

I know the WiiU is doing like crap, but I only care about the Vita, which is doing worst lol. Sony needs to do something!!!

Good PS3 number :)

There's nothing Sony can do in the West for the Vita. It's done. Soul Sacrifice isn't even going to sell half of Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed.

People don't want to play these games on the go with sub-PS3 graphics. If they want these types of games that's what their PS3/360 (soon PS4/720) and big screen TV is for. Nintendo games fit well within the confines of bite size handheld gaming, but most big PS3/360 pubs struggle.

Price cut...