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Forums - General Discussion - My brother beat somebody up. Lesson learned? (explicit/not for children)

Mad props to your brother weezy, tell him he did the right thing.

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Yo dodece, the guy never lost conscious. He was laying on the ground in a daze like, "wtf just happend to me"

By knocked out, I mean he fell on his back like a falling tree.

"Do you think its sporting to kick babies, or tip senior citizens out of their scooter. "

^ what kind of analogy is that? WTF


dodece you need to settle down with your assumptions. You dont know my brother.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Dodece, don't act like Anakin Skywalker didn't walk up into the Jedi Nursery in Episode III and start tipping cribs and lightsaber'ing the younglins, son!

For the record, in Canada, punching someone while in a mounted position (AkA unconscious) is beyond self defense, whereas the first punch wasn't.

Although I wholeheartedly agree with the first punch. You seem to forget Dedoce, he didn't actually punch first, merely came back, and then was punched. He just punched a lot harder.

Just learn the lesson: Even if your teenage and angsty, calling random people faggots or pussies is basically putting a "Hit me, I'm retarded" sign in the air, and someone will take up that offer. If they are over 21 and still that retarded, Brain damage really wouldn't matter much since they clearly never learned to use it anyway.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

weezy said:

Alright fellas. If fighting and derogatory name calling bothers you guys just dont even scroll down.





So we were walking around the block about an hour ago and my brother was arguing with his g/f on the phone.

These hoodlum skater dudes were laughing and called my brother a "faggot". We both turned around like "Do you want to get your ass beat?" and my brother said, something on the lines of, "What'd you say, b**** ! I will f**k you up! " <--please take in fact my brother was already mad

The skater dudes didnt say anything.

So we kept walking away, trying to ignore these punk ass skater dudes. 25-40 steps later those same dudes yelled "Ha ha ha you pu$$y's!"

Me and my brother ran up on them and were just gonna scare them right?

(I weight about 150ish and my bro is like 160.. those 2 skater dudes were like 185-200 lbs)

And the guy threw a hook at my brother's eye (Big mistake.) and the instant my bro got hit, he grabbed the guy by his shirt, with his left and punched right through his head, with his right (it didnt even look like my brothers fist colliided with anything) and the dude got knocked out and my brother got on top of him and threw another left and right when he was on the ground. The whole time I was 5 feet from my bro like, "OH SHIT, SON!!"

That skater dude's friend was just watching from like 25 feet away and was screaming "Stop! Leave us alone!"

It made me feel bad.

Please take in fact I dont condone fighting but shit happen's.

Lesson learned for those guys? Right?

Please ppl do not start stuff with ppl you dont know or you can end up really hurt.

Bad ass story bro, were you blazed? WOuld make it real intense. 


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

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Blazed? I dont smoke.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Rath said:
Wow I guess I am the only person on this board who thinks you should have just walked on and ignored the bastards.

 Well think of it this way, all they got was beat up, and probably will think twice next time, if they had just walked away, then the skater guys may have continued to talk trash to people, and one of those people might have a gun, and instead of getting beat up, they could've been shot.

 But yeah, chances of them doing that again, slim.

I think some people need to understand this: there are persons that won't react to civilized words... like those guys. They act like animals, they need to be treated like animals.

Some people just need to be punched in the face. That kid got what he deserved. Your brother did a good job.

Gamertag: KillswitchTris PSN ID: KsET665 Wii Friend Code: 8415 6393 6330 0940 (PM me if you add me)
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Well your brother should have just kept walking as it was only insults initially but then again I am also of the opinion that some poeple who find it funny to shout abusive language at people in the street need a punch in the face to make them think about doing it again.

Your brother also had a right to defend himself once the guy had gone to punch him, BUT, once the guy was on the floor he should have walked away and maybe casually shouted some put down to the guy on the ground instead of punching him again, which was wrong unless he still felt threatened.

Difficult to judge the situation without being there and apart from the second punch your brother threw I don't see anything wrong with what you both did.

As a child most are told to walk away from trouble, but there does come a point where you have to stand up not only for yourselrf but quite possible unintentially for others, as maybe now the guy throwing the abuse will have second thoughts when the next person he doesnt like the look of passes him.

My Auntie who is in her 70s is always worried to go down her own town's high street because of groups of teenagers throwing insults at people, maybe a quick punch in the face would sort these guys out as well.

They can surely only gain confidence each time they shout an insult at people and get away with it and at what point does it go from verbal abuse to; 'give me your money and shopping' and then onto a hard push to the ground as the persons possessions are stolen!!??