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Well your brother should have just kept walking as it was only insults initially but then again I am also of the opinion that some poeple who find it funny to shout abusive language at people in the street need a punch in the face to make them think about doing it again.

Your brother also had a right to defend himself once the guy had gone to punch him, BUT, once the guy was on the floor he should have walked away and maybe casually shouted some put down to the guy on the ground instead of punching him again, which was wrong unless he still felt threatened.

Difficult to judge the situation without being there and apart from the second punch your brother threw I don't see anything wrong with what you both did.

As a child most are told to walk away from trouble, but there does come a point where you have to stand up not only for yourselrf but quite possible unintentially for others, as maybe now the guy throwing the abuse will have second thoughts when the next person he doesnt like the look of passes him.

My Auntie who is in her 70s is always worried to go down her own town's high street because of groups of teenagers throwing insults at people, maybe a quick punch in the face would sort these guys out as well.

They can surely only gain confidence each time they shout an insult at people and get away with it and at what point does it go from verbal abuse to; 'give me your money and shopping' and then onto a hard push to the ground as the persons possessions are stolen!!??