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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 720 will Decide if WiiU RAM is enough.

The truth is they succeeded as creators of mainstream video gaming, they succeeded in creating their own successful niche and they can succeed in the future.

Their success was never build on betrayal, it didn't required empty promises, exaggerations or demean itself to instinct of primitive mob

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
twilight_link said:

what you expect from them to transform itself to 3rd platform holder whose existence dependent in its entirety on 3rd parties goodwill

No, Nintendo has enough cash to survive for quite a bit. The problem with them this gen is:


- The gimmick failed because you cant surprise a casual with tablet games and start a trend. Once casuals have seen it the glimmer is over, which is why its called a gimmick.

- Where is are Wii U fit and casualized first party games? Thats all the casuals care about.


-Hardcore gamers

- Courted third parties enough to gather current gen multiplats, they WILL be cut off next gen to ensure multiplats maintain a high level of quality and realize their art direction based on high parameters let by third parties last gen.

- They focus too much on the DS, and this probably isnt a bad thing in a way because the handhelds have always sold better than their 

- Console is severely underpowered by a large margin. Nintendo gamers love to trivialize this but its really no joke. Epic doesn't even think Nintendo should get Unreal 4 because of it.

The hardcore gamers make no money for Nintendo so that a non-issue.

As for casuals, dude give the console time. They are preparing games for it and they will release come this holiday. Nintendo aren't retarded, and we know something's cooking, they can't just be doing nothing.

Also, why are you talking about gimmicks, and what do you consider a gimmick?

happydolphin said:

1) What you just used is a strawman. The fact that I never saw the demos in 1080P in full scale makes me ignorant on the topic, and on technology, that is a strawman, and is ad hominem because you are using that to invalidate my arguments rather than using your arguments to invalidate my arguments. So you're wrong again.

2) If Madden was downscaled from a fucking cell processor system to a PS2, I have no need to get into the specifics. It's downscaling, and it's doable. You can reduce the resolution and the effects, just like you would with a low-end PC. There's nothing more to explain.

3) The onus is on you to show how an HDD makes a difference with regards to rendering, and loading textures and models, because as far as I'm concerned, the rendering is done after the data is moved from the optical drive to the ram, loading from the optical drive to the RAM. Otherwise, how did the PS3 do with games that weren't installed on the Hard Drive? You got it, it loaded them from the BR disk.

4) I am older than you, and I can feel it. Do you prefer that? Because after having to endure 20 posts where you call me ignorant, and one where you call me pretentious, I felt the need to serve some and shove it right back in your face. And make you eat it. And put a little shit in it while I'm there.

Yes, indeed I've studied system software and hardware (and aced my courses), having earned a diploma in software engineering and served in network administration for a year, as well as another 8 months in systems development in RFID. I know how Software and Hardware work, the only thing I  don't have is doing benchmarking on gaming rigs, because I've never owned one. It doesn't mean I'm completely ignorant nor does it mean I have no knowledge, yet that is what you have not ceased to say since the start of the thread. So it's not DK, it's the fact that you have a lot of air in your head.

5) That's being done today on low-end computers. It's called making the game configurable so it doesn't use up as much CPU, RAM or whatever other computer resource so it can be run.

You can say anything you want, it doesn't make it true. =)

Pointing out you lack knowledge of the topic you talk about and are making fundamental mistakes is a logical argument and a relevant one. It is not an ad hominem. It is not a strawman. If you don't understand how graphics hardware and software work, how on earth can you debate how a game will scale (software) with different hardware? You can't. 
Saying "A sports game can be downscaled so that means all games can be" is absurd. Could you do that with Planetside 2 do you think? Are minimum spec  requirements increasing? Your argument is redundant. I'm not even going to bother debating any more with you because I'm not paid to educate you. You have no idea how software works (HDD doesnt effect rendering LOL)

You think age somehow makes your views infalible? Seriously? Do you really think how you are acting is appropriate?   I see you haven't even learnt, or accepted, that ignorant isn't an insult, same with pretentious. If you behave in a certain way, that is what your behaviour is called; no difference to being jovial or miserable.

You aren't even aware of data transfer rates between optical media and HDD's. Enough said bro. I'll leave it at that as obviously you don't want to see facts but want to just be right regardless of reality and are lacking far too much knowledge to be able to actually debate this topic. You ignored completely how devs would deal with an 85% reduction in hardware and just went "IT WAS DUN B4!". Brilliant argument. The Wii U can't run PS4 games and won't get them either way - realistically, it's selling next to nothing so it's not worth investing in, and theoretically devs are already saying their next gen engines are not for the Wii U. 

Mazty said:

Pointing out you lack knowledge of the topic you talk about and are making fundamental mistakes is a logical argument and a relevant one. It is not an ad hominem. It is not a strawman. If you don't understand how graphics hardware and software work, how on earth can you debate how a game will scale (software) with different hardware? You can't. 
Saying "A sports game can be downscaled so that means all games can be" is absurd. Could you do that with Planetside 2 do you think? Are minimum spec  requirements increasing? Your argument is redundant. I'm not even going to bother debating any more with you because I'm not paid to educate you. You have no idea how software works (HDD doesnt effect rendering LOL)

You think age somehow makes your views infalible? Seriously?  I see you haven't even learnt, or accepted, that ignorant isn't an insult, same with pretentious. If you behave in a certain way, that is what your behaviour is called; no difference to being jovial or miserable.

You aren't even aware of data transfer rates between optical media and HDD's. Enough said bro. I'll leave it at that as obviously you don't want to see facts but want to just be right regardless of reality. 

Here, let me make it easier for you.

HDD doesn't help with rendering you stupid fuck.

~Mod Edit~

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
twilight_link said:

what you expect from them to transform itself to 3rd platform holder whose existence dependent in its entirety on 3rd parties goodwill

No, Nintendo has enough cash to survive for quite a bit. The problem with them this gen is:


- The gimmick failed because you cant surprise a casual with tablet games and start a trend. Once casuals have seen it the glimmer is over, which is why its called a gimmick.

- Where is are Wii U fit and casualized first party games? Thats all the casuals care about.


-Hardcore gamers

- Courted third parties enough to gather current gen multiplats, they WILL be cut off next gen to ensure multiplats maintain a high level of quality and realize their art direction based on high parameters let by third parties last gen.

- They focus too much on the DS, and this probably isnt a bad thing in a way because the handhelds have always sold better than their 

- Console is severely underpowered by a large margin. Nintendo gamers love to trivialize this but its really no joke. Epic doesn't even think Nintendo should get Unreal 4 because of it.

look i don't give a fuck about casual or hardcore those are only abused categories, I'm interested only in games regardless of their category.

"Courted third parties..." No they're not relevant for Nintendo success, with exception of Square, Enix and Capcom there never was important 3rd party developer responsible for Nintendo success, what Epic think is absolutely of no importance for WiiU success.

And this is exactly what 3rd parties can't stand, there is one highly successful platform holder whose success or failure is in no way dependent on their good will.

The question is not whether is WiiU powerful enough for 3rd parties but whether is good enough for Nintendo and their 1st and 2nd parties and this is all.

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happydolphin said:

Here, let me make it easier for you.

HDD doesn't help with rendering you stupid fuck.

So you are saying optical media has the same data transfer rates as a HDD? F'real dood? F'real?

twilight_link said:
The truth is they succeeded as creators of mainstream video gaming, they succeeded in creating their own successful niche and they can succeed in the future.

Their success was never build on betrayal, it didn't required empty promises, exaggerations or demean itself to instinct of primitive mob

They started the trend but all the brands are mainstream now. The only brand that hasnt sold over 50 M+ was sega. They all have their quirks but as much as I have respect for Nintendo they are not a consisant brand. 

some like Sega, Sony and Microsoft pay billions of dollars, they literary kneeling at the feet of 3rd parties they beg for support, lost billions to satisfy them.

And there is one small company with handful of employees that didn't give a fuck about their requirements and still remain successful, no wonder they try with honest journalism, bright analysts, or even desperate laughter.

Mazty said:
happydolphin said:

Here, let me make it easier for you.

HDD doesn't help with rendering you stupid fuck.

So you are saying optical media has the same data transfer rates as a HDD? F'real dood? F'real?

See, that's not what I'm saying.
(but that gif did give make me chuckle)

happydolphin said:
Mazty said:
happydolphin said:

Here, let me make it easier for you.

HDD doesn't help with rendering you stupid fuck.

So you are saying optical media has the same data transfer rates as a HDD? F'real dood? F'real?

See, that's not what I'm saying.

And once again it is evident you have no idea about graphics. Ciao.