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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 made the greatest comeback ever.

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PS3 made the greatest comeback ever

Agree 471 71.04%
Disagree 192 28.96%
TheShape31 said:
Lawlight said:
TheShape31 said:
Lawlight said:
TheShape31 said:
3DS did.

Thread closed.

Only in Japan...


Not really. We just have to look at software sales outside of Japan to see that.

Or we can look at hardware sales in every region.  It's the only console that sells strong globally on a consistent basis.  No console can possibly have 100% equal sales across all regions, so the fact that 3DS hardware sells highest in Japan is irrelevant.  You make it sound like it's even remotely similar to Xbox selling huge in the US only, but you have no argument to compare the two within that context.  3DS was nearly a dead system, then suddenly it topped the sales of every other console and then some.  Greatest comeback ever.

Thread closed.  ;)

Well, if we don't consider their abyssmal software sales worldwide with the exception of Japan, the 3DS is 3rd after the 360 and the PS3 in the US and fairly distant 2nd Europe. All that, despite being about $100 cheaper than the PS3.

In addition to that, the PS3 is coming from being 3rd and gunning for first. The 3DS was always first.

Try harder.

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thismeintiel said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
No one has debunked anything, and people keep putting up wrong numbers:

Genesis was selling at a greater pace than SNES in the US in the early years. Catchy adverstising and campaigns suggesting SNES was slower than Genesis had some mocking the Nintendo cosole. Then with great third party support and the launch of Donkey Kong Country SNES surged ahead and didn't look back.

I consider a 3rd to 1st comeback to be significantly bigger than a 3rd to 3rd or maybe 2nd comeback. SNES went from being mocked to dominance. PS3 went from being mocked to respectable.

SNES was only mocked by die hard Genesis fans, not the majority of the gaming public/journalists.  So again, not exactly the same situation.

@ BHR-3

While VGC has the gap down to 1M, I'm sure the real gap is either much slimmer or has disappeared completely by now.  We'll have to wait til financials are out to know for sure, though.  And as Max said, those last two have NOTHING to do with a comeback.  I do think it's quite impressive that the PS3 went from selling quite poorly to become the top selling home console for the last 2 years, with this year making it 3.

Some of you guys are going way overboard with how much negativity the PS3 faced. You guys act as if it was well on its way to being the next Virtual Boy but then made a complete 180. "majority of the gaming public" mocked PS3? How could anyone even possibly prove that? Was it mocked by a lot of Internet nerds like us? Yes, deservedly so. But so was the Wii, the 360, the Nextbox, etc etc. I mean.. according to this website we're on, the PS3 outsold the 360 in 2007. Its first year on the market. And has done so a majority of the years since, except maybe 1 or 2 years.

The PS3 did accomplish a triumphant comeback through extensive and exclusive software releases (Uncharted, Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy, GTA). It had a slow start but was nonetheless able throughout the years to build a strong library and position itself as the entertainment hub with its Blu-Ray capabilities. It is one of my favorite consoles to date and have amassed over 100 games for it.

However, from a business perspective, the PS3 never achieved a comeback as it never was a success to begin with. The PS3 eliminated all profits gained from the PS2 era (Over 4 Billion). Thus, from a gamer's perspective, the PS3 made a comeback; however, from a business perspective, it is a colossal failure as Sony will never make a return on their investment.

depends on what u mean by comeback

financial and sales wise...nope
library and content wise...hell yea

J_Allard said:
thismeintiel said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
No one has debunked anything, and people keep putting up wrong numbers:

Genesis was selling at a greater pace than SNES in the US in the early years. Catchy adverstising and campaigns suggesting SNES was slower than Genesis had some mocking the Nintendo cosole. Then with great third party support and the launch of Donkey Kong Country SNES surged ahead and didn't look back.

I consider a 3rd to 1st comeback to be significantly bigger than a 3rd to 3rd or maybe 2nd comeback. SNES went from being mocked to dominance. PS3 went from being mocked to respectable.

SNES was only mocked by die hard Genesis fans, not the majority of the gaming public/journalists.  So again, not exactly the same situation.

@ BHR-3

While VGC has the gap down to 1M, I'm sure the real gap is either much slimmer or has disappeared completely by now.  We'll have to wait til financials are out to know for sure, though.  And as Max said, those last two have NOTHING to do with a comeback.  I do think it's quite impressive that the PS3 went from selling quite poorly to become the top selling home console for the last 2 years, with this year making it 3.

Some of you guys are going way overboard with how much negativity the PS3 faced. You guys act as if it was well on its way to being the next Virtual Boy but then made a complete 180. "majority of the gaming public" mocked PS3? How could anyone even possibly prove that? Was it mocked by a lot of Internet nerds like us? Yes, deservedly so. But so was the Wii, the 360, the Nextbox, etc etc. I mean.. according to this website we're on, the PS3 outsold the 360 in 2007. Its first year on the market. And has done so a majority of the years since, except maybe 1 or 2 years.

I suppose you are just purposely ignoring the countless "PS3 is DOOMED!" threads/articles for its first couple of years on the market.  Or maybe you just weren't around.  Trust me, it was there.  It mostly started after the price was announced, but escalated after it launched and the Wii really took off and 360 had a decent 2nd year.  The systems you mentioned got most of their doomed articles before launch, not so much after.  Oh, and 2006 was when PS3 launched, not 2007.

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"doomed threads/articles" are irrelevant to reality. And I know the PS3 launched in 2006. I was talking first full year on the market. It outsold the 360.

Sensei said:

I agree. There was never a console that was so behind (both in sales and mindshare) that got to become 1st place after all that.

PS3 is a monster.

3DS does not count - it was not behind its competitors. Wii / Gamecube doesn't count either, they are different consoles, to count as a comeback it must have been the same failing console to turn its fortunes around, not a sucessor.

Maybe I am missing something but the PS3 only had a bad mindshare in the US which shows because it still isn't selling better than the 360 now.  It always outsold the 360 in Japan and in Europe it started slow but picked up pretty quick because MS did not really change people there outside of the UK.  Pretty much the rest of Europe waited for the PS3 and bought it at its more expensive price because brand loyalty is very strong there.

The one thing that was holding the PS3 back was price.  Once Sony was able to get the price down on the console they were able to sell it better than the 360 because of better brand loyalty and better first party games.

The question is: where did it come back from? It started late but since beginning was selling quite good considering the price. It started 3rd, it is 3rd. And perhaps it will overtake 360 this year although we don't know how the impact of mini-60, if rumors are true, will be. Sony lost dominance in home-console-market. Talking about a comeback seems somehow wrong... It's still a great system though and is performing good atm.

PS3 was considered to become the dominant market leader pre launch and to overtake X360 in the first 1-2 years, 3rd party support was therefore guaranteed. Games like GTA4, Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid were even announced before PS3 came to the market, and every reasonable and actually most people said PS3 will be fine when it´s price gets down. Reading this thread I get the impression someones feelings got hurt and now try to compensate something because Sony failed to dominate back in the day.

Viktor said:

PS3 was considered to become the dominant market leader pre launch and to overtake X360 in the first 1-2 years, 3rd party support was therefore guaranteed. Games like GTA4, Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid were even announced before PS3 came to the market, and every reasonable and actually most people said PS3 will be fine when it´s price gets down. Reading this thread I get the impression someones feelings got hurt and now try to compensate something because Sony failed to dominate back in the day.

I wonder how you feel about the PS3 finishing first this gen.