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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why Sony won next gen already

This is about as likely to be correct as the predictions of those a few years ago saying that Nintendo would dominate for multiple generations on the back of Wii's success.

If Microsoft does things exactly right, then the Nextbox could definitely win the next gen, with or without Japan's help. It only needs to win over continental Europe. I think it's not likely to win over continental Europe, but it's a possibility.

Wii U can still pick itself up. So Nintendo should not be counted out.

Upshot is it's not possible to accurately predict which console will be the top seller based on current information. So for the most part it's wishful thinking.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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lol sooo foolish to predict any winner yet.

We have no prices for MSony next-gen.
We have no big first party games from Nintendo beyond NSMBU.
We have almost no first party games for MSony.
We have a lot of missing info for Sony and none for MS regarding services, used gaming, online fees, etc.
We have seen almost nothing for MSony next-gen beyond some raw specs and general ideas of the PS4.

Anyone claiming victory just needs to remember what happened when PS3's $599 price tag was announced. Yeah it killed all hype and its still 3rd place 6 years later.

Oh, and it definitely has bias - notice how he claims that Sony managed to "take the throne back" (ie. win) by having lots of exclusives towards the end of the generation. His whole argument is about how the PS4 will "win" because it'll get the most sales, but it seems pointless if it'll win automatically if it has the "best" games, regardless of which position it actually came.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Wright said:
freedomland said:
Wright said:
No, because NextBox has 12 gb of RAM and that destroy any chance the PS4 could have had.

What will be the cost of nextbox with all other features?


250 euros. Perhaps that'll be 350 dollars. So with that slow price in Europe, consider that market won. Then there's America, which is already a Xbox place.


Plus the 12 gb of ram.


And skype for non Xbox Live gold users.


Sony is d00mz.

You already know everything, my compliments.

Stop with these guys. The bigger the expectations the bigger the disappointment...

Around the Network

So the blogger says that Sony somehow managed to take the throne back this gen...hmmm seems feasable if you count losing a shit ton of cash and still being in 3rd place a success ;)

freedomland said:
Wright said:
No, because NextBox has 12 gb of RAM and that destroy any chance the PS4 could have had.

What will be the cost of nextbox with all other features?

599 US Dollars ;)

kowenicki said:
freedomland said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
We still haven't had all the details of the ps4 OR even the reveal for the nextbox. Way too early for these things

This guy has some valid points without any bias and not all of them are speculations.

Yeah, he's not biased, can tell by this post he made...




zod18  +   6d ago
But you can make money in a lot of different ways. Microsoft is doing it by fooling their customers, Sony and Nintendo are doing it primarily by making quality exclusives.


I was just talking about this blog my friend.

freedomland said:
Wright said:
freedomland said:
Wright said:
No, because NextBox has 12 gb of RAM and that destroy any chance the PS4 could have had.

What will be the cost of nextbox with all other features?


250 euros. Perhaps that'll be 350 dollars. So with that slow price in Europe, consider that market won. Then there's America, which is already a Xbox place.


Plus the 12 gb of ram.


And skype for non Xbox Live gold users.


Sony is d00mz.

You already know everything, my compliments.


I'm making these things up. I don't know anything. Neither the guy of this article does. That's the point, you can't really say something like this because you have no clue yet about what can happen. Think of it like the "Next generation is when we say so!" thing. So much preposterous attitude, so many surprises in the end.

Sony as won every generation it took part, in a way or another.

PS1 and PS2 as best sellers. PS3 not top selling console (yet), but by far the best console of the generation. Most powerful, most exclusives, most third parties. It has the best of all worlds.

So yeah, I'm confident PS4 will win too.