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so is wolf in that question mark spot on the rosteR?

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The story writer who writes the stories for Final Fantasy helped Sakurai write the story mode for the SSE. That might be Square-Enix's involvement..

i was expecting so much more as far as the characer roster goes. why are ganondorf and toon link clones.where are are ridley and king k. rool. Instead i get another fox clone.

Parokki said:
Oh wow. Someone really got excited on 4chan and wrote this:

Captain Falcon's final smash is accompanied by a thirty minute fully animated feature that has the budget of the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy put together times 2.

The animation shows Falcon growing up, learning from his mentor how to be a strong fighter and to fight for what's right. Then, it shows whoever the opponent or opponents are show up and kill all of Falcon's friends and family. From there, things kick back into real time, and it shows tears streaming down Falcon's face as his mask explodes. He begins charging his punch, and in the background, images of his fallen friends and family and cheering him on.

Then, he unleashes it. A Falcon Punch so powerful, that you have to drop your controller because it's shaking so hard. Your sound system explodes, no matter how high end it is. The last thing you see before your TV screen explodes is the enemy turn to dust as they are hit by a flaming falcon the size of the moon.
This is a good explanation of Falcon's FS.

Too much complaining. There are far more original characters in this game than there were in Melee. Thing is, we have known about them for a long time. People are forgetting about all the newcomers that were already introduced.

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When did the Star Fox series become three times as big as the Metroid series?

If we had to have another clone, why not Dark Samus?

Aurally examine my music!

Wear gaudy colours or avoid display. It's all the same.

Be warned, I will use walls of polysyllables and complex clauses as a defence against lucid argument.

Wand to read a creepy thread?

dante said:
i was expecting so much more as far as the characer roster goes. why are ganondorf and toon link clones.where are are ridley and king k. rool. Instead i get another fox clone.

 Ridley's a boss...I kinda always wanted it that way.

And nobody wants King K.Rool playable...he's a lame character.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

The_vagabond7 said:
For anyone who hasn't seen, here's captain Falcon's final Smash. I think it just results in instant victory. Hardcore.

I think I spotted a couple more 3rd party characters in there too...


I wanted a 50 character roster.

- Krystal
- Midna
- Dark Samus
- Weevel
- Pios Augustus
- King K. Rool
- Sora
- etc, etc etc

now commence the picking apart my choices in characters.

Ridley is a must have, but not as a playable character. Unless of course you want the Ridley from the original NES Metroid.

Just to clarify things a bit, Wolf only has 2-3 moves that are even remotely similar to Fox. He looks like he plays very uniquely, and shouldn't be considered a clone at all.

Wolf gameplay: