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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Fiscal Earnings - 70 Million Profit Year-End, Q4 - Loss (70 Million)

M.U.G.E.N said:
Vinniegambini said:
Iwata assumes title of CEO of Nintendo of America - Reggie will be reporting to Iwata..... ahahahha

I umm not sure what to think of this. Could be good for Gamers if he is more proactive in bringing games over...but take even more responsibility when he is having trouble with various things now. Time will tell

Hope he fixes the relationship they have with Amazon USA! -_-

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Wow, those software sales are pathetic.

Vinniegambini said:

Hope he fixes the relationship they have with Amazon USA! -_-

lol yep that would be a good start

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Soundwave said:

The 3DS got to about 13.8 million this past fiscal year.

That's with New Super Mario Bros. 2, Luigi's Mansion 2, Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus Uprising, Mario Tennis, Animal Crossing in Japan being a *monster*, Kingdom Hearts, Resident Evil Revelations, DQVII in Japan, a new hardware revision, $169.99 for the base model, etc. etc.

Yeah man, just imagine what it'll do with a new Pokémon generation, a new Monster Hunter generation, a brand new Zelda game, Tomodachi Collection, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Yoshi's Island, and whatever other goodies Nintendo and third parties have planned for us.

I don't know why you use the $170 minimum price point as if to suggest that it's an enticing offer. The DS launched at $150, and within 18 months it was knocked down to $120 for the Lite, a full $50 cheaper than the base 3DS model is going for.

Yakuzaice said:
007BondAgent said:
ds is overtracked

I really don't know what ioi/VGC has been thinking lately.  Even after the DS only shipped 30k outside of the Americas in the third quarter, and we got weekly sales from Nintendo showing they were quite low, VGC still had the DS selling more than it shipped.  Now, once again VGC has the DS selling more than it shipped, and shows over 100k in Europe this year despite Nintendo shipping less than half that to the entire world (outside the Americas) in the last six months.

the sales on this site is a mess right now, i tend to avoid now

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the_dengle said:
Soundwave said:

The 3DS got to about 13.8 million this past fiscal year.

That's with New Super Mario Bros. 2, Luigi's Mansion 2, Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus Uprising, Mario Tennis, Animal Crossing in Japan being a *monster*, Kingdom Hearts, Resident Evil Revelations, DQVII in Japan, a new hardware revision, $169.99 for the base model, etc. etc.

Yeah man, just imagine what it'll do with a new Pokémon generation, a new Monster Hunter generation, a brand new Zelda game, Tomodachi Collection, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Yoshi's Island, and whatever other goodies Nintendo and third parties have planned for us.

I don't know why you use the $170 minimum price point as if to suggest that it's an enticing offer. The DS launched at $150, and within 18 months it was knocked down to $120 for the Lite, a full $50 cheaper than the base 3DS model is going for.

Didn't the holidays this year only have Paper Mario in the West? Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

The DS collapse is really quite incredible.  From 27.11 million/yr to discontinued in the span of four years.  I assume the fact that there is no forecast for the DS means they have ceased manufacturing.  I wonder how Nintendo and Sony have handled developing markets differently that allowed the PS2 to continue selling for years, while the DS basically died outside the US a year ago.

Nintendo may have some difficulties reaching their top line projections for fiscal 2014 unless Wii U really does have a decent software release from here on out. Buttomline projection though seems very easy based on their 90 yen estimate. With Cash and Short Term Securities (nearly $10 billion USD worth), and a probable continuation of Yen weakness, a 12% weakening from 90 base projection would give you almost all of the $1 billion in net income projected. As of today we are past the 99 level with G20 having essentially given green light to BOJ's money printing.

Nintendo seems to have "survived" their missteps and has a fighter's chance to crawl back into financial relevancy.

the_dengle said:
Soundwave said:

The 3DS got to about 13.8 million this past fiscal year.

That's with New Super Mario Bros. 2, Luigi's Mansion 2, Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus Uprising, Mario Tennis, Animal Crossing in Japan being a *monster*, Kingdom Hearts, Resident Evil Revelations, DQVII in Japan, a new hardware revision, $169.99 for the base model, etc. etc.

Yeah man, just imagine what it'll do with a new Pokémon generation, a new Monster Hunter generation, a brand new Zelda game, Tomodachi Collection, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Yoshi's Island, and whatever other goodies Nintendo and third parties have planned for us.

I don't know why you use the $170 minimum price point as if to suggest that it's an enticing offer. The DS launched at $150, and within 18 months it was knocked down to $120 for the Lite, a full $50 cheaper than the base 3DS model is going for.

Also, Kid Icarus and Resident Evil released in FY 2011/2012.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

Vinniegambini said:
Iwata assumes title of CEO of Nintendo of America - Reggie will be reporting to Iwata..... ahahahha

Now that's the best part of the report by far! I wonder if that means he'll talk to himself in the next ND's...