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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which of your consoles has stopped working?

My ps2 give out about 3 years ago it made a sound like a attacking lion when it turned on so i let it RIP and bought a new one =P

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I've only had 2 consoles go wrong, a Game Gear which when someone decided to rip the game out while it was on and in mid-game, it never worked after that.

The other was my first PS1 which had the lense reading issue that was common, to sort it we just turned it upside down and it worked fine. Probably still would work if I new where it was.

Other then that, all a-okay.

Hmm, pie.

I've only had a PS3 and a slim PS2, and neither have broken.

My PS2 came pretty close, though.
I went to a friends house and we stayed up until like 3:00am playing Halo 2 on his Xbox. I had brought my PS2 over to show him the replay of a 75yd hail mary I completed on Madden 06 and the replay of someone ducking and having a defender fly over his head, so the next morning (remember, we got like 4 hrs sleep) I hooked the ps2 into the front input on his living room TV and put the PS2 on the coffee table. We showed him one replay, and then the toaster finished our waffles, so we went into the kitchen to eat breakfast. While we were eating, we left the PS2 hooked up and on Madden's home screen. His sister came out of her bedroom and tripped over the cord. The ps2 fell off the coffee table, flipped a couple of times and the disc drive cover came open and the disc rolled into a corner. The ps2 kept playing the music and displaying the animation for the home screen for around 15 sec, then the music stopped and the animation froze. When I put the disc back in the ps2 and closed the lid, it not only read the disc, it restarted the music and animations exactly where they were before! I was afraid I had scratched the laser lens, but I guess it's still ok, cause my sister still uses it to play Dance Dance Revolution, and it works fine.

<insert awesome signature here>

The 1982 TI was given away in the 90s but it still worked then. My 1st gameboy got several lines in it so it was thrown away. My NES stopped reading games.


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Only my original Playstation 2 (after a literal 9 day's of constant play)
and my roomates 360 have ever stopped working lol.

Well I suppose if were going back a bit my original gameboy just stopped turning on >_>; which sucks because I didn't use it much ._.;

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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I have had 15 diferent kind of consoles in my lifetime (a few twice).
I have also had 4 handhelds.

None have ever broken.

stopped working :
Xbox 360 (almost did go in the never stopped one ^^, it just stopped after 2 years and 3 months of good work)

never stopped working :
Nintendo 64
Xbox 1

Zones : I still don't understand all the love for Blizzard, what was the last game they developed worth playing?

mega drive x2
Psone x1
PS2 x3
360 x1