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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 is "barely mediocre"? (According to Surfer Girl it is...)

Okay, I was going through a few of her posts and she has RE5 coming out in September.

When Capcom stated it isn't coming until next year...

We should believe her why?

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troubled time ahead for killzone 2. it would not be good fro the ps3 if one of the most anticipated titles turned out to be rubbish. Time will tell.



She has played Killzone 2? How? Even if she did, it must've been an Alpha or even pre-Alpha version. As most games look and play terribly in these early stages, every game is by default mediocre or less sometime in the process...
Surfer Girl must be a standup comedian or someone very, very dumb if he/she expects me/us to buy into this.

I remember E3 and the impressions were generally positive. However, there was that one thing about AI, but who knows where that has gone since then because I read about it not too long after E3.

IllegalPaladin said:
I remember E3 and the impressions were generally positive. However, there was that one thing about AI, but who knows where that has gone since then because I read about it not too long after E3.

Previews for LAIR were also generally positive too ...

I'm not making a prediction about Killzone 2, but demos (like movie trailers) are typically very short and designed to show off the best elements of a game without showing any of its flaws; at the same time most journalists are overly optimistic in previews in order to not offend publishers, or fanboys, because (indirectly) their income is based off of keeping these people happy.

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Killzone 2's job has been to offer PS3 fans the promise of somthing amazing in the future. Somthing the 360 could not do.

By the time it's come out, the PS3 should have a much stronger installed base, and be competing with the 360. KZ2 will have done its job already. The eye candy's what matters.

halil23 said:

 I totally agree with 1st & 2nd Paragraph. Why? look at ign and gamespot (more gamespot) they favour xbox. I don't go to them anymore because of that. They use to be so good. It so bad now, it as if micro$oft brought them. What about Time magazines, remember when PS3 launch in US and Time had a front cover with massive writng "PS3 is a flop" (or something like that) You don't see Japanese do that to xbox, do you?

Alot of that wasn't my point, you just used it as an excuse to rant against the 360.

I should've phrased it otherwise, cause your perception was a mistake.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

Somebody needs to call Guerilla and tell them to cancel the game. A bad review from an anonymous blogger who hasn't played the game could seriously damage sales.

And it's no surprise that Insomniac are pissed. Why would Sony keep pumping money into a company they own instead of one that they don't? It's just crazy.

@ HappySqurriel
It's interesting that people keep saying stuff like this about Lair. You must have a very selective memory, as all the previews I saw slated it for it's graphical glitches and poor controls. In fact, I read a review of an early build of the game that appeared in a UK mag at least 6 months before it was released that was pretty much identical to reviews that appeared after it officially launched (it scored 6, but I can't remember which mag it was). The only people that hyped Lair were Sony fanboys desperate for a killer-app. I do agree with the rest of your comments about previews though.

Once again she posts just a bunch of shit thats common sense.

If you give a relatively small, not terrible talented or experienced developer nearly an unlimited amount of cash, what do you think would happen? Mismanagement of budget is a given, and frankly its the only reasonable way to explain this games enormous budget unless they've literally had several project restarts.

Basically its Dai Katana all over again; lots of extravagant spending thats completely useless along with a terrible work environment that drives people away like the plague.

And the whole insomniac issue is also expected. I've actually wondered how other Sony developers feel about such a mediocre developer being given so much attention from Sony when there are better, older studios who have actually made good games.

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

FOOD said:

What a horrible blog. I'm not questioning whether or not he/she played Killzone 2 in E3 or some other games convention, but I am questioning how he/she is able to argue Resistance 2 will be better than Killzone 2 when no one has even played Resistance 2.

Don't get me wrong, Insomniac is a great dev team, and I love their games to death, but I think it is too early to be making irrational statements like that.

I think Killzone 1 was a good game, and I also think the reason it didn't get the "AAA" status is because of the hardware limitations. I know, someone is going to give the "it was a supposed Halo-killer!" It wasn't Guerilla's statement. It was some idiot's who didn't know what he was talking about. Besides, they were completely different games. The only thing that was similar was that they were both FPS's. Other than that, the art direction and stories were different and good in their respective manners. Halo was a run and gun game, and Killzone was a cover and fire game. It's essentially like comparing CoD4 to Bioshock. Both are FPS's, but different in every other aspect. 

Guerilla Games has  great visionaries and art direction, and their programmers have the potential to make a great game. It's good to see--from what has been shown--that it's running smoothly on the new hardware. 

Maybe the fact that Killzone 2's budget is so huge will pay off in the long run. Aside from attracting casual gamers to the gorgeous graphics and what not, Sony might not let this game release until everyone of their cousins and cousins' friends love the game. More than likely, Sony is going to be extremely careful with their massive investment. They probably won't turn a profit until 2010. 

I'm beginning to think that blog is slandering about Killzone 2 to be entertaining. They don't go in depth as to why it's "mediocre." I've heard in IGN's podcast that it's a solid game from what they've played (controls etc.). 



This is one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard. 

For starters, making a game that is "too ambitious" for a system is the mark of a bad developer. Making a game that is too much for a system to handle is something any band of idiots can do; a proper developer knows the limits of a system, and works within those limits. Basically its like making Doom 3 in 1996, and then claiming you're the worlds greatest developer despite the fact that nothing can play it beyond 1fps. 

But thats beside the point since you're base argument is completely wrong, and its a fairly obvious example. Black, an FPS, looks amazing and runs fairly well on the PS2, all while shitloads of stuff is happening on screen. That game is a prime example of what a capable, talented developer can do when understanding the hardware and working within the systems limits. 

Killzone was a technical mess not because of the hardware, but because the developer was careless and pushed the product to market before it finished. There is no real reason why anything attempted in Killzone would be impossible for the PS2, and as far as I know just about everything they attempted was done by other games.

Now with that disproven, lets go back to you're original argument; If GG overextended themselves with KZ1, then what is to say they wont do the same with KZ2? 

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away"