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Somebody needs to call Guerilla and tell them to cancel the game. A bad review from an anonymous blogger who hasn't played the game could seriously damage sales.

And it's no surprise that Insomniac are pissed. Why would Sony keep pumping money into a company they own instead of one that they don't? It's just crazy.

@ HappySqurriel
It's interesting that people keep saying stuff like this about Lair. You must have a very selective memory, as all the previews I saw slated it for it's graphical glitches and poor controls. In fact, I read a review of an early build of the game that appeared in a UK mag at least 6 months before it was released that was pretty much identical to reviews that appeared after it officially launched (it scored 6, but I can't remember which mag it was). The only people that hyped Lair were Sony fanboys desperate for a killer-app. I do agree with the rest of your comments about previews though.