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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 is "barely mediocre"? (According to Surfer Girl it is...)

I had high hopes for this game. But every time its delayed makes me lose hope on this title, makes me feel like they are hiding something from the public. Remember those altered screenshots? Oh well, at least we have Resistance 2.

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Disregard what Im about to say if you can't handle it:

To me it seems like her source is coming off as a enourmously anti-PS3. Im just going base on that America right now is safely 360 land, and people there have found their preference divided among the PS3 and 360 over there, even though the 360 outsells its most direct competitor.

It leaves me little belief that today's american insiders aren't all that pure in the info they share, and display some bias to drag the "rival's" position further down and keep it there.

But hey, Surfer Girl has been wrong about some things, and even so stated it in her blog.

I seriously don't know who to believe anymore.

By the way, this 'new* insider Dancing Queen has something to add to the subject:

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

rukusa said:
Disregard what Im about to say if you can't handle it:

To me it seems like her source is coming off as a enourmously anti-PS3. Im just going base on that America right now is safely 360 land, and people there have found their preference divided among the PS3 and 360 over there, even though the 360 outsells its most direct competitor.

It leaves me little belief that today's american insiders aren't all that pure in the info they share, and display some bias to drag the "rival's" position further down and keep it there.

But hey, Surfer Girl has been wrong about some things, and even so stated it in her blog.

I seriously don't know who to believe anymore.

By the way, this 'new* insider Dancing Queen has something to add to the subject:

 Whoooah, I would trust Surfer Girl more than this blog. I mean look at that. First post on this dreamer's blog is about Killzone 2 Rumors and nothing more. I say another poor soul not realizing Sony is not paying him/her to do this blog.

kcua_626 said:

 Whoooah, I would trust Surfer Girl more than this blog. I mean look at that. First post on this dreamer's blog is about Killzone 2 Rumors and nothing more. I say another poor soul not realizing Sony is not paying him/her to do this blog.

Quite possible, and then again maybe ...  to be honest its hard to judge if anything is credible right now.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

All I know, after buying the first KillZone, this is all I got to say...

But I do hope this game turns out well. I would love for Sony to make a Halo killer, cuz Im just not too big a fan of Halo.

I cant believe ppl even read suferstick's blog. I would rather step on flaming bags of dog shit.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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Quick tip. 70% of videogame insiders or developers under fake names are just attention seekers making shit up and basing their opinions on vague predictions that can fit a lot of scenarios, or can be retracted as "the problem getting fixed".

Another 20% or so just get magazines.

Another oh... 8% are plants by certain companys to keep your interest up about games or drive down interest in other games

The last 2% are idiots who risk their careers in a field they love to give out info that can usually be fairly eaisly tracked back to them.

In otherwords... just about no "insider" is credible... and the info that is credible are most likely intentional leaks.

ssj12 said:
.. and she knows this how?

 Other freelancers already said it months ago:

Like Fishie: 


I have also made a thread about that months ago when Fishie said this =/.

ssj12 said:
I doubt it will be another lair, i think it will have as good of gameplay as COD4 and graphics that match crysis on meduim/high

Even for both sides of that comment (gameplay like COD4 AND graphics like med/high crysis) because you're pitting it against a game which encompasses everything an awesome developer (infinity ward) has learnt over the last 3 games (developing 2 and gauging the reaction from another), compared to a developer who's had a hit and miss title and the miss is more in lines with KZ2. Also I'd say KZ2 will be closer to medium graphics crysis.. maybe even slightly below, which is still great, but seriously don't expect it to hit "high" crysis level.



I didn't have high hopes for the game, period. I had to be convinced that the game was better than the first one. The first one? Meh ... Overbudget, overhyped ... and we get this report. We'll see, but I expect for a lot of folks pinning their hopes on this will be disappointed.

How often has she been right?