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Disregard what Im about to say if you can't handle it:

To me it seems like her source is coming off as a enourmously anti-PS3. Im just going base on that America right now is safely 360 land, and people there have found their preference divided among the PS3 and 360 over there, even though the 360 outsells its most direct competitor.

It leaves me little belief that today's american insiders aren't all that pure in the info they share, and display some bias to drag the "rival's" position further down and keep it there.

But hey, Surfer Girl has been wrong about some things, and even so stated it in her blog.

I seriously don't know who to believe anymore.

By the way, this 'new* insider Dancing Queen has something to add to the subject:

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.