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Forums - Website Topics - Anybody else have problems adding box art???

^ oh, I thought i was the only one

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and normal pics for the album won't work either :(

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I uploaded 2 jpgs (Everyday Shooter and Calling All Cars!) without any problems.

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


I get the problem all the time on IE. Doesn't happen or firefox for some reason.

But then I uploaded something to my album and got the error, but the file uploaded anyway.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Well I don't have Firefox or anything other than IE.

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Is it a particularly big program? or does it need a lot of RAM? (or whatever computers use to run programs)

because if it does then I won't bother because my laptop is dieing now (3 years old) and probably couldn't take it.
also if I do download it and run it... will IE still be running in the background even if there is no IE window open?

Cool thanks... and yeah I already have tabbed browsing. but Firefox sounds good.

I added about 30-40 Megadrive games (in the Genesis category... I have no idea why there is an MD one as well?), but already most have got boxarts.

Luckily I had only added A-C from the list of games I had, so I will get FF before adding D-Z.

How do you even add games?

Seems like the site is missing a lot of Nintendo and SNES games. Or a lot of the ones i have anyway.

Like Base Wars. And Baseball Simulator 1.000.

And Destiny of an Emperoer.