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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mario Kart Wii: Snaking Confirmed/Playable Baby Peach and Boo!(more inside)



 Mario Kart Wii - some new info from NMag

I write for NMag, and the gang behind the publication is truly awesome. They are a fantastic group of people. This time around, they’ve given me some Mario Kart Wii info that will be in our next issue, and have also given me permission to post. Some is old, some is new, but I appreciate it all the same. Once again, this info comes straight from our next issue.

Sliding and snaking confirmed
Baby Peach, Boo to be drivers
online battle mode
16 new + 16 old courses
different vehicles for every driver

controls can be compared to Excite Truck 

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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Baby Peach? >_<

I want Diddy Kong confirmed! Baby Peach was so annoying in Mario & Luigi: PiT.

Wasn't boo already a driver in MK:DD? And why baby Peach?

Nintendo still doomed?
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Oh god, how stupid.

Snaking is a major turn off in my books. I want to enjoy the god damn game, not have to forcibly weave left and right so I don't get lapped. Don't get me wrong, snaking WAS fun and I used to do it all the time in MKDS, but it got to the point where I just wanted to play the damn game rather than abuse it.

I don't even know the point of having all these extra carts in the game is any more. Everyone will just find the best two vehicles to snake with and never choose another cart again (Dry Bomber, Egg1).

By life end:

  • Wii- 100 million+
  • Xbox360- 35~40 million
  • PS3- 30 million
  • PSP- 30~32 million ------------- FAILURE
  • NDS- 85~90 million (Skeptical)  - FAILURE
  • NDS- 100 million+ (Optimistic) -- Success!



Snaking being called 'snaking' is BS...

I don't understand how it's snaking - it's just part of the game, anyone can do it, it's simple, they can't take it out because its the best part... i've done it since N64 and I've never known it as 'snaking' true snaking is like in F-Zero GX where you can build mass core speed by sliding side to side... now that is what you call SSSSSSSnaking.

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Well, itll be a totally different game even with snaking because of the controls being like Excite Truck. A lot of people think Online mode is ruined now thanks to snaking. I personally think its fine. If you are faster with it, learn how to do it.

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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Oh...snaking again?
No sale.

loadedstatement said:
Well, itll be a totally different game even with snaking because of the controls being like Excite Truck. A lot of people think Online mode is ruined now thanks to snaking. I personally think its fine. If you are faster with it, learn how to do it.

 Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you also use a gamecube controller too? 

Sliding and snaking?

Could some one tell me what's that?
I know that one of them was in MK64, but i don't know wich. (Jumping and moving the analog left and right to get a boost)

Frozenfuryblade said:
loadedstatement said:
Well, itll be a totally different game even with snaking because of the controls being like Excite Truck. A lot of people think Online mode is ruined now thanks to snaking. I personally think its fine. If you are faster with it, learn how to do it.

 Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you also use a gamecube controller too? 

Hasnt been confirmed yet.  It would make a lot of people happy and I dont see why they wouldnt allow it.  They SHOULD, but it hasnt been officially announced yet. 


Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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