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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vote for your favorite console exclusive FPS of this generation.

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Choose your Destiny!

Halo 3 44 24.18%
Killzone 3 19 10.44%
Resistance Fall of Man 6 3.30%
The Conduit 9 4.95%
Halo 4 51 28.02%
Killzone 2 25 13.74%
Haze 1 0.55%
Halo Reach 11 6.04%
Left 4 Dead 10 5.49%
Resistance 2 6 3.30%

Halo 3

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How can people like Killzone 3 more then Killzone 2 O_o ? Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

kivi95 said:
How can people like Killzone 3 more then Killzone 2 O_o ?

Because KZ2 was boring!

KZ3 was less boring.

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Halo 4 or 3 and 3rd would be CoD4 and then Killzone 2


Left 4 Dead. Best fps console exclusive.

The next option would be either killzone 2 or resistance fall of man.

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The Conduit, of course!

resistance serie ( 1 to 3 )

Close between Halo 3 and Halo 4. Going with 3 as I knew used to have much bigger parties in it and I don't like the the ordnance drops in 4.

Halo 4!

Resistance 2. With all of it's problems it is still the most fun I've ever had with fps multiplayer.