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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Fans Same Excuse?

yeah GC had geat games... but is it even close to PS2's library???????


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Aquietguy said:
oniyide said:
Aquietguy said:
oniyide said:
Majora said:
I seem to be the only one who thinks the Gamepad is awesome! I love the ways it can be used, especially in mini games Donkey Kong Crash and Ninja Strike on Nintendoland. DKC in particular is awesome. I adore my WiiU! Shame it isn't getting much love right now...

you're not the only one, i think its cool too. The problem is that A) most people dont think it is, and b) i dont think its that cool that im dropping 350 on

C) Most that think it's not cool dont own one, never intended to own one, or their Nintendo hate just won't let them come to terms the greatness of the pad.

So because someone doesnt like the pad they MUST hate Ninty? is that where you're going? cause if it is, then that is very ignorant

I wasn't talking about those who don't like the pad. I'm talking about those who hate all things Nintendo just because they hate Nintend. The one crying gimmic about the pad even though there's nothing gimmic about it. That's ignorant.

i'm not a big fan of the pad either but i think Nintendo will show me a reason why it's good enough to buy the console


TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

I am talking about SUCCESSFUL EXCLUSIVES THAT HELP PUSH A CONSOLE (and which were new and original, not part of an old and popular series eg. GT or FF)

If that's the case, then PS2 barely had any either, its big hitters were almost all franchises dating back to older generations, like Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto, and Metal Gear Solid, Madden, etc.

GTA 3 was a complete reboot - going from 2D top down to the first open world 3D game was major and changed the market. DMC, ICO series, Killzone, Red Faction, GoW are a few that come to mind as being massive, original, successful AAA series. 

It is amazing how you folks are warping reality as I've been over this before, yet here we are again, at the same place where you just can't admit that Nintendo franchises are mainly the same game with minor changes or just flops. Why else is no other console owner bothered about not being able to play Mario 59 or Zelda 10, but see what would happen if you told them they can't play Halo 5, Killzone 4, or GTA 5......^^

GTA3 being a reboot doesn't magically change the fact that it's an existing franchise. ICO wasn't massive, nor was Killzone, and Red faction isn't an exclusive.

I see no reason to admit something that's not true. And I love how you claim GTA3 was a "major" change while claiming that franchises like Mario and Zelda, whose changes have been even bigger, are "minor" changes. Then again, you seem to have a vendetta against Nintendo, so I'm not surprised.

And many gamers wouldn't care if they weren't able to play games like Halo 5 or Killzone 4.

GTA 3 was so different and revolutionary, it may as well been a reboot. Name me one Nintendo game that has spawned a sequel that different and revolutionary. Ico series is still to this day known as one the best. Killzone is big enough to know be a launch title, and Red Faction WAS a PS2 exclusive. Now stop warping reality.

Mario and Zelda have had minor to no changes! How were any GC Zeldas radically different to Ocorina of Time? Oh wait, they were not. Did any game copy it? Nope. This is why you don't mention any of the changes they made or they did not change the genre. How unsurprising.

Well look at the GT series or Uncharted. Or how about MGS? Oh, and you're simply in utter denial about Halo...the BIGGEST selling Halo exclusive series, so go don your dunce hat as you have earnt it with your reply.

Mario 64 was vastly more revolutionary than GTA3; not just 2D to 3D, but linear to open world, the introduction of puzzle solving, laying down the mechnical foundations that most 3D games follow today.

Zelda has undergone major changes to its structure, its controls, its art style, its tone, GTA's biggest change was 2D to 3D, a change numerous other franchises have undergone, including Zelda.

GT and Uncharted's gameplay has not changed significantly since their inception.

And Halo the biggest exclusive series? Reality check, bro, Mario Kart Wii has sold about 3 times as much as the highest selling Halo. It's you who's earned a dunce cap.

Mario made puzzle solving? Erm, Monkey Island anyone?  Open world? Sort of. You coulnd't do much or dictate the path/story...and anyway, that was N64, not GC. Zelda is the same as it ever was from the N64. It simply has changed tyles and been a few years behind everyone else from being one of the first open world games, and again, its greatest innovation was at the N64. Since then it has simply had different coats of paints, not a rebuild.

GT can't have revolutionary change due to its nature (but if you had played it, you would realise it has changed a lot), and uncharted is one generation that is a very silly point to make.

Exclusive to the 360. Do try to keep up. We were talking about other platforms exclusive titles, so sadly you still have that hat firmly on your head along with the "warping reality" trophy.

Since the N64, Nintnedo have not done dquat in terms of innovation. The Wii was a fantastic gimmick...but a gimmick aimed at the casual market. The games themselves have changed little hence the crash in sales with the WiiU. But let me guess, you'll opt for a conspiracy theory or magic fairies stopping anyone from buying it right?

The Gamecube had a lot of inovative games, compare to all the other Ninty consoles. The Wii was the exact opposite though.

newwil7l said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

I am talking about SUCCESSFUL EXCLUSIVES THAT HELP PUSH A CONSOLE (and which were new and original, not part of an old and popular series eg. GT or FF)

If that's the case, then PS2 barely had any either, its big hitters were almost all franchises dating back to older generations, like Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto, and Metal Gear Solid, Madden, etc.

GTA 3 was a complete reboot - going from 2D top down to the first open world 3D game was major and changed the market. DMC, ICO series, Killzone, Red Faction, GoW are a few that come to mind as being massive, original, successful AAA series. 

It is amazing how you folks are warping reality as I've been over this before, yet here we are again, at the same place where you just can't admit that Nintendo franchises are mainly the same game with minor changes or just flops. Why else is no other console owner bothered about not being able to play Mario 59 or Zelda 10, but see what would happen if you told them they can't play Halo 5, Killzone 4, or GTA 5......^^

GTA3 being a reboot doesn't magically change the fact that it's an existing franchise. ICO wasn't massive, nor was Killzone, and Red faction isn't an exclusive.

I see no reason to admit something that's not true. And I love how you claim GTA3 was a "major" change while claiming that franchises like Mario and Zelda, whose changes have been even bigger, are "minor" changes. Then again, you seem to have a vendetta against Nintendo, so I'm not surprised.

And many gamers wouldn't care if they weren't able to play games like Halo 5 or Killzone 4.

GTA 3 was so different and revolutionary, it may as well been a reboot. Name me one Nintendo game that has spawned a sequel that different and revolutionary. Ico series is still to this day known as one the best. Killzone is big enough to know be a launch title, and Red Faction WAS a PS2 exclusive. Now stop warping reality.

Mario and Zelda have had minor to no changes! How were any GC Zeldas radically different to Ocorina of Time? Oh wait, they were not. Did any game copy it? Nope. This is why you don't mention any of the changes they made or they did not change the genre. How unsurprising.

Well look at the GT series or Uncharted. Or how about MGS? Oh, and you're simply in utter denial about Halo...the BIGGEST selling Halo exclusive series, so go don your dunce hat as you have earnt it with your reply.

Mario 64 was vastly more revolutionary than GTA3; not just 2D to 3D, but linear to open world, the introduction of puzzle solving, laying down the mechnical foundations that most 3D games follow today.

Zelda has undergone major changes to its structure, its controls, its art style, its tone, GTA's biggest change was 2D to 3D, a change numerous other franchises have undergone, including Zelda.

GT and Uncharted's gameplay has not changed significantly since their inception.

And Halo the biggest exclusive series? Reality check, bro, Mario Kart Wii has sold about 3 times as much as the highest selling Halo. It's you who's earned a dunce cap.

Mario made puzzle solving? Erm, Monkey Island anyone?  Open world? Sort of. You coulnd't do much or dictate the path/story...and anyway, that was N64, not GC. Zelda is the same as it ever was from the N64. It simply has changed tyles and been a few years behind everyone else from being one of the first open world games, and again, its greatest innovation was at the N64. Since then it has simply had different coats of paints, not a rebuild.

GT can't have revolutionary change due to its nature (but if you had played it, you would realise it has changed a lot), and uncharted is one generation that is a very silly point to make.

Exclusive to the 360. Do try to keep up. We were talking about other platforms exclusive titles, so sadly you still have that hat firmly on your head along with the "warping reality" trophy.

Since the N64, Nintnedo have not done dquat in terms of innovation. The Wii was a fantastic gimmick...but a gimmick aimed at the casual market. The games themselves have changed little hence the crash in sales with the WiiU. But let me guess, you'll opt for a conspiracy theory or magic fairies stopping anyone from buying it right?

The Gamecube had a lot of inovative games, compare to all the other Ninty consoles. The Wii was the exact opposite though.

So many games you can't even name one .......*rollseyes*

TheJimbo1234 said:
newwil7l said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

I am talking about SUCCESSFUL EXCLUSIVES THAT HELP PUSH A CONSOLE (and which were new and original, not part of an old and popular series eg. GT or FF)

If that's the case, then PS2 barely had any either, its big hitters were almost all franchises dating back to older generations, like Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto, and Metal Gear Solid, Madden, etc.

GTA 3 was a complete reboot - going from 2D top down to the first open world 3D game was major and changed the market. DMC, ICO series, Killzone, Red Faction, GoW are a few that come to mind as being massive, original, successful AAA series. 

It is amazing how you folks are warping reality as I've been over this before, yet here we are again, at the same place where you just can't admit that Nintendo franchises are mainly the same game with minor changes or just flops. Why else is no other console owner bothered about not being able to play Mario 59 or Zelda 10, but see what would happen if you told them they can't play Halo 5, Killzone 4, or GTA 5......^^

GTA3 being a reboot doesn't magically change the fact that it's an existing franchise. ICO wasn't massive, nor was Killzone, and Red faction isn't an exclusive.

I see no reason to admit something that's not true. And I love how you claim GTA3 was a "major" change while claiming that franchises like Mario and Zelda, whose changes have been even bigger, are "minor" changes. Then again, you seem to have a vendetta against Nintendo, so I'm not surprised.

And many gamers wouldn't care if they weren't able to play games like Halo 5 or Killzone 4.

GTA 3 was so different and revolutionary, it may as well been a reboot. Name me one Nintendo game that has spawned a sequel that different and revolutionary. Ico series is still to this day known as one the best. Killzone is big enough to know be a launch title, and Red Faction WAS a PS2 exclusive. Now stop warping reality.

Mario and Zelda have had minor to no changes! How were any GC Zeldas radically different to Ocorina of Time? Oh wait, they were not. Did any game copy it? Nope. This is why you don't mention any of the changes they made or they did not change the genre. How unsurprising.

Well look at the GT series or Uncharted. Or how about MGS? Oh, and you're simply in utter denial about Halo...the BIGGEST selling Halo exclusive series, so go don your dunce hat as you have earnt it with your reply.

Mario 64 was vastly more revolutionary than GTA3; not just 2D to 3D, but linear to open world, the introduction of puzzle solving, laying down the mechnical foundations that most 3D games follow today.

Zelda has undergone major changes to its structure, its controls, its art style, its tone, GTA's biggest change was 2D to 3D, a change numerous other franchises have undergone, including Zelda.

GT and Uncharted's gameplay has not changed significantly since their inception.

And Halo the biggest exclusive series? Reality check, bro, Mario Kart Wii has sold about 3 times as much as the highest selling Halo. It's you who's earned a dunce cap.

Mario made puzzle solving? Erm, Monkey Island anyone?  Open world? Sort of. You coulnd't do much or dictate the path/story...and anyway, that was N64, not GC. Zelda is the same as it ever was from the N64. It simply has changed tyles and been a few years behind everyone else from being one of the first open world games, and again, its greatest innovation was at the N64. Since then it has simply had different coats of paints, not a rebuild.

GT can't have revolutionary change due to its nature (but if you had played it, you would realise it has changed a lot), and uncharted is one generation that is a very silly point to make.

Exclusive to the 360. Do try to keep up. We were talking about other platforms exclusive titles, so sadly you still have that hat firmly on your head along with the "warping reality" trophy.

Since the N64, Nintnedo have not done dquat in terms of innovation. The Wii was a fantastic gimmick...but a gimmick aimed at the casual market. The games themselves have changed little hence the crash in sales with the WiiU. But let me guess, you'll opt for a conspiracy theory or magic fairies stopping anyone from buying it right?

The Gamecube had a lot of inovative games, compare to all the other Ninty consoles. The Wii was the exact opposite though.

So many games you can't even name one .......*rollseyes*

Lol is someone throwing a fit. Maybe its bedtime lmfao. Anyway Sunshine for example is the most innovative 3D Mario we have had.

Around the Network
newwil7l said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
newwil7l said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

I am talking about SUCCESSFUL EXCLUSIVES THAT HELP PUSH A CONSOLE (and which were new and original, not part of an old and popular series eg. GT or FF)

If that's the case, then PS2 barely had any either, its big hitters were almost all franchises dating back to older generations, like Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto, and Metal Gear Solid, Madden, etc.

GTA 3 was a complete reboot - going from 2D top down to the first open world 3D game was major and changed the market. DMC, ICO series, Killzone, Red Faction, GoW are a few that come to mind as being massive, original, successful AAA series. 

It is amazing how you folks are warping reality as I've been over this before, yet here we are again, at the same place where you just can't admit that Nintendo franchises are mainly the same game with minor changes or just flops. Why else is no other console owner bothered about not being able to play Mario 59 or Zelda 10, but see what would happen if you told them they can't play Halo 5, Killzone 4, or GTA 5......^^

GTA3 being a reboot doesn't magically change the fact that it's an existing franchise. ICO wasn't massive, nor was Killzone, and Red faction isn't an exclusive.

I see no reason to admit something that's not true. And I love how you claim GTA3 was a "major" change while claiming that franchises like Mario and Zelda, whose changes have been even bigger, are "minor" changes. Then again, you seem to have a vendetta against Nintendo, so I'm not surprised.

And many gamers wouldn't care if they weren't able to play games like Halo 5 or Killzone 4.

GTA 3 was so different and revolutionary, it may as well been a reboot. Name me one Nintendo game that has spawned a sequel that different and revolutionary. Ico series is still to this day known as one the best. Killzone is big enough to know be a launch title, and Red Faction WAS a PS2 exclusive. Now stop warping reality.

Mario and Zelda have had minor to no changes! How were any GC Zeldas radically different to Ocorina of Time? Oh wait, they were not. Did any game copy it? Nope. This is why you don't mention any of the changes they made or they did not change the genre. How unsurprising.

Well look at the GT series or Uncharted. Or how about MGS? Oh, and you're simply in utter denial about Halo...the BIGGEST selling Halo exclusive series, so go don your dunce hat as you have earnt it with your reply.

Mario 64 was vastly more revolutionary than GTA3; not just 2D to 3D, but linear to open world, the introduction of puzzle solving, laying down the mechnical foundations that most 3D games follow today.

Zelda has undergone major changes to its structure, its controls, its art style, its tone, GTA's biggest change was 2D to 3D, a change numerous other franchises have undergone, including Zelda.

GT and Uncharted's gameplay has not changed significantly since their inception.

And Halo the biggest exclusive series? Reality check, bro, Mario Kart Wii has sold about 3 times as much as the highest selling Halo. It's you who's earned a dunce cap.

Mario made puzzle solving? Erm, Monkey Island anyone?  Open world? Sort of. You coulnd't do much or dictate the path/story...and anyway, that was N64, not GC. Zelda is the same as it ever was from the N64. It simply has changed tyles and been a few years behind everyone else from being one of the first open world games, and again, its greatest innovation was at the N64. Since then it has simply had different coats of paints, not a rebuild.

GT can't have revolutionary change due to its nature (but if you had played it, you would realise it has changed a lot), and uncharted is one generation that is a very silly point to make.

Exclusive to the 360. Do try to keep up. We were talking about other platforms exclusive titles, so sadly you still have that hat firmly on your head along with the "warping reality" trophy.

Since the N64, Nintnedo have not done dquat in terms of innovation. The Wii was a fantastic gimmick...but a gimmick aimed at the casual market. The games themselves have changed little hence the crash in sales with the WiiU. But let me guess, you'll opt for a conspiracy theory or magic fairies stopping anyone from buying it right?

The Gamecube had a lot of inovative games, compare to all the other Ninty consoles. The Wii was the exact opposite though.

So many games you can't even name one .......*rollseyes*

Lol is someone throwing a fit. Maybe its bedtime lmfao. Anyway Sunshine for example is the most innovative 3D Mario we have had.

Innovative...for Mario *facepalm* Enough said. Oh, and you think asking for a list is throwing a fit. lolwut.

TheJimbo1234 said:
newwil7l said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
newwil7l said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

I am talking about SUCCESSFUL EXCLUSIVES THAT HELP PUSH A CONSOLE (and which were new and original, not part of an old and popular series eg. GT or FF)

If that's the case, then PS2 barely had any either, its big hitters were almost all franchises dating back to older generations, like Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto, and Metal Gear Solid, Madden, etc.

GTA 3 was a complete reboot - going from 2D top down to the first open world 3D game was major and changed the market. DMC, ICO series, Killzone, Red Faction, GoW are a few that come to mind as being massive, original, successful AAA series. 

It is amazing how you folks are warping reality as I've been over this before, yet here we are again, at the same place where you just can't admit that Nintendo franchises are mainly the same game with minor changes or just flops. Why else is no other console owner bothered about not being able to play Mario 59 or Zelda 10, but see what would happen if you told them they can't play Halo 5, Killzone 4, or GTA 5......^^

GTA3 being a reboot doesn't magically change the fact that it's an existing franchise. ICO wasn't massive, nor was Killzone, and Red faction isn't an exclusive.

I see no reason to admit something that's not true. And I love how you claim GTA3 was a "major" change while claiming that franchises like Mario and Zelda, whose changes have been even bigger, are "minor" changes. Then again, you seem to have a vendetta against Nintendo, so I'm not surprised.

And many gamers wouldn't care if they weren't able to play games like Halo 5 or Killzone 4.

GTA 3 was so different and revolutionary, it may as well been a reboot. Name me one Nintendo game that has spawned a sequel that different and revolutionary. Ico series is still to this day known as one the best. Killzone is big enough to know be a launch title, and Red Faction WAS a PS2 exclusive. Now stop warping reality.

Mario and Zelda have had minor to no changes! How were any GC Zeldas radically different to Ocorina of Time? Oh wait, they were not. Did any game copy it? Nope. This is why you don't mention any of the changes they made or they did not change the genre. How unsurprising.

Well look at the GT series or Uncharted. Or how about MGS? Oh, and you're simply in utter denial about Halo...the BIGGEST selling Halo exclusive series, so go don your dunce hat as you have earnt it with your reply.

Mario 64 was vastly more revolutionary than GTA3; not just 2D to 3D, but linear to open world, the introduction of puzzle solving, laying down the mechnical foundations that most 3D games follow today.

Zelda has undergone major changes to its structure, its controls, its art style, its tone, GTA's biggest change was 2D to 3D, a change numerous other franchises have undergone, including Zelda.

GT and Uncharted's gameplay has not changed significantly since their inception.

And Halo the biggest exclusive series? Reality check, bro, Mario Kart Wii has sold about 3 times as much as the highest selling Halo. It's you who's earned a dunce cap.

Mario made puzzle solving? Erm, Monkey Island anyone?  Open world? Sort of. You coulnd't do much or dictate the path/story...and anyway, that was N64, not GC. Zelda is the same as it ever was from the N64. It simply has changed tyles and been a few years behind everyone else from being one of the first open world games, and again, its greatest innovation was at the N64. Since then it has simply had different coats of paints, not a rebuild.

GT can't have revolutionary change due to its nature (but if you had played it, you would realise it has changed a lot), and uncharted is one generation that is a very silly point to make.

Exclusive to the 360. Do try to keep up. We were talking about other platforms exclusive titles, so sadly you still have that hat firmly on your head along with the "warping reality" trophy.

Since the N64, Nintnedo have not done dquat in terms of innovation. The Wii was a fantastic gimmick...but a gimmick aimed at the casual market. The games themselves have changed little hence the crash in sales with the WiiU. But let me guess, you'll opt for a conspiracy theory or magic fairies stopping anyone from buying it right?

The Gamecube had a lot of inovative games, compare to all the other Ninty consoles. The Wii was the exact opposite though.

So many games you can't even name one .......*rollseyes*

Lol is someone throwing a fit. Maybe its bedtime lmfao. Anyway Sunshine for example is the most innovative 3D Mario we have had.

Innovative...for Mario *facepalm* Enough said. Oh, and you think asking for a list is throwing a fit. lolwut.

ROFL ain't nobody have time to make a list.

The quote trees....

Learn to trim people!

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

It isn't coincidence that people who hate the Gamepad aren't Nintendo fans. People who like the Gamepad love it because of the multiple ways it offers not only gaming but services. I can play something whilst my other half watches TV. Pretty awesome tbh. I have a PS3 and LOVE it so nobody can call me aSony hater. I just hate the hate the Gamepad gets for no good reason. Im sorry, but tightening specs etc is NOT revolution. The fact that I can play my console whilst the rest of the house watches TV IS. Not hating but stating. And it has already been to good use at my parents house and my best mates house. They wanna watch movies and I wanna play Mario? I can. Vice versa.

Aquietguy said:
oniyide said:
Aquietguy said:
oniyide said:
Majora said:
I seem to be the only one who thinks the Gamepad is awesome! I love the ways it can be used, especially in mini games Donkey Kong Crash and Ninja Strike on Nintendoland. DKC in particular is awesome. I adore my WiiU! Shame it isn't getting much love right now...

you're not the only one, i think its cool too. The problem is that A) most people dont think it is, and b) i dont think its that cool that im dropping 350 on

C) Most that think it's not cool dont own one, never intended to own one, or their Nintendo hate just won't let them come to terms the greatness of the pad.

So because someone doesnt like the pad they MUST hate Ninty? is that where you're going? cause if it is, then that is very ignorant

I wasn't talking about those who don't like the pad. I'm talking about those who hate all things Nintendo just because they hate Nintend. The one crying gimmic about the pad even though there's nothing gimmic about it. That's ignorant.

you can say that about a bunch of people, no matter the company