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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Need for Speed MW U "Graphics seem slightly worse compared to other versions"

Have any of you interested in purchasing the game seen my previous post where you can get the game and others for $30 on origin?

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Outside of the gameplay additions, the graphics have received a fairly noticeable improvement over the PS3 and 360 versions. Thanks to using the same assets as the PC version, this is now the best-looking version of the game available on a console. It wasn’t a slouch before, but now the road textures are much cleaner and the lighting effects are even more impressive. They really look amazing at night too, with the light shining off of roads and into each little crevice on them. Car models look better than ever too, although the game still has a slightly jaggy appearance at times that takes away from the visual bliss on display. However, unlike the other console versions, there’s no texture pop-in here, which is nice. The visuals pop nicely on the Gamepad, and seeing such high-end graphics on a small screen in amazing.

"Success really is decided at birth, and your life will never be better than it is right now. Sorry about that."

In the end Criterion has brought NFSMW to Wii U apparently effortlessly, although I’m sure a great deal of effort actually went into the transition. The game looks and plays better than the previous home console versions, standing shoulder to shoulder with the PC version in terms of graphics, and the added Wii features just sweeten the pot. While many launch window ports on Wii have felt rushed and overall shaky, NFSMWU screams like a V12 roadster doing 160 on the interstate. Whatever Criterion has done, I hope other developers learn how to coax this much raw performance out of the Wii U, and soon.

"Success really is decided at birth, and your life will never be better than it is right now. Sorry about that."

It's sitting on 87 at meta O_O; wonder if it'll stick or get better.

unaveragejoe said:
Have any of you interested in purchasing the game seen my previous post where you can get the game and others for $30 on origin?

Doesn´t matter to me, I don´t have a gaming pc rig, only a crappy aspire with onboard graphics card (think "no card at all") and 6 GB DDR3, wich are so uselless that makes me think that PC RAM has to be at least 10X weaker than console RAM, cause my PS3 do so much more with so much less. The only thing my notebook can run is CivV and Swat4 at minimun setting. In short, I hate pc gaming and PC gaming hates me back =/

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NeilStrauss said:
unaveragejoe said:
Have any of you interested in purchasing the game seen my previous post where you can get the game and others for $30 on origin?

Doesn´t matter to me, I don´t have a gaming pc rig, only a crappy aspire with onboard graphics card (think "no card at all") and 6 GB DDR3, wich are so uselless that makes me think that PC RAM has to be at least 10X weaker than console RAM, cause my PS3 do so much more with so much less. The only thing my notebook can run is CivV and Swat4 at minimun setting. In short, I hate pc gaming and PC gaming hates me back =/

The PS3 version is on sale as well. Well better luck on the console or future pc gaming rig.


These reviewers said exactely the opposite:

"Outside of the gameplay additions, the graphics have received a fairly noticeable improvement over the PS3 and 360 versions. Thanks to using the same assets as the PC version, this is now the best-looking version of the game available on a console. It wasn’t a slouch before, but now the road textures are much cleaner and the lighting effects are even more impressive."

"Criterion touts Most Wanted U as their best looking console game to date.  If the are improvements over the Xbox 360 version they are subtle at best.I wasn’t able to notice any despite playing the Xbox 360 version quite regularly.  That said this game does look fantastic.NFS games have typically had a less-than-perfect framerate.  Most Wanted U isn’t perfect but it is the smoothest NFS game I remember playing.

You know... a basic demand for having a job as a reviewer should be "not be a fanboy".

Another plus is that this version already has all the dlc and you don´t have to pay for online access. It´s clear that this version has some improvements. That said, i´d say that this thread is pointless, just another tentative of flaming fanboys wars.

VGKing said:
ninjablade said:
the_dengle said:
ninjablade said:
the_dengle said:
There were a LOT of PS3 games ported from 360 that looked terrible by comparison to the originals. You guys mean to tell me it's because the PS3 was weaker than the 360?

ps3 in some ways is  weaker then 360, if you asked which was the over all more powerful console, i would say 360, just because most multiplatform games look better on it, everybody agree there prett much on par.

Multiplats looked better on 360 because it was easier to develop for. PS3 got a lot of sloppy ports -- look at the Overlord DLC for Mass Effect 2 on PS3. Shameful. Certainly not because the PS3 wasn't powerful enough to run the mission, right? It was a bad port.

PS3, on the other hand, seems to have prettier exclusives.

actually ps3 just has better developers when it comes to graphics, look at halo 4 and forza horizone, they look as good as the ps3 exclusives, but for me the most powerful hardware get the best looking games and thats what 360 does, because ps3 is hard to develope for counts as a weakeness in the hardware to me and over all nobody can arguue that 360 has the best looking version of most games, thats something i expect from better hardware, and honestly there is no better way then proving a console powerful then with multiplatform games.

So that means your buying a PS4 next gen right?

yes, ps4 looks is close to being my dream console so far.

Where is Digital Foundry when you need it?

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F0X said:
Where is Digital Foundry when you need it?

probably see there comparison by friday/saturday.