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These reviewers said exactely the opposite:

"Outside of the gameplay additions, the graphics have received a fairly noticeable improvement over the PS3 and 360 versions. Thanks to using the same assets as the PC version, this is now the best-looking version of the game available on a console. It wasn’t a slouch before, but now the road textures are much cleaner and the lighting effects are even more impressive."

"Criterion touts Most Wanted U as their best looking console game to date.  If the are improvements over the Xbox 360 version they are subtle at best.I wasn’t able to notice any despite playing the Xbox 360 version quite regularly.  That said this game does look fantastic.NFS games have typically had a less-than-perfect framerate.  Most Wanted U isn’t perfect but it is the smoothest NFS game I remember playing.

You know... a basic demand for having a job as a reviewer should be "not be a fanboy".

Another plus is that this version already has all the dlc and you don´t have to pay for online access. It´s clear that this version has some improvements. That said, i´d say that this thread is pointless, just another tentative of flaming fanboys wars.