Troll_Whisperer said:
DirtyP2002 said:
I am not here to tell anyone not to be excited, I just think 99% in this thread are excited for the wrong reason... because it is an exlcusive and not because it will be a quality game.
There is nothing besides empty phrases so far, so we know nothing about the game itself. Do you think the usual suspects would give a *beeep* if this game was multiplat? No, they would not.
The question is why that concerns you so much to come here and post just that...
because it tells you something about the current state of the VGC community, which is at a new low.
I might change my mind when one of the usual suspects says something like: "not my type of game, but have fun with it" when a exclusive for their console gets announced.
Instead we see comments like: "OMG THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!!111" for their exclusives or "THIS GAME SUXXX!" for competitors exclusive. A rational discussion somewhere in between has not happened on VGC since summer 2008.
And multiplat games are not discussed except "CoD is being milked", "Square Enix sucks these days" or "dmc sucks now!".
A game like Tomb Raider is not a point of any discussion, except being compared to Uncharted. And that one was just released. Imagine how many threads would be on VGC if it was exclusive...
I just miss a good discussion about software and financials. It has been a while. Damn, I get this sad retro-feeling again :D