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Forums - Sony Discussion - A new ps3 owner has some questions for you guys

Utz said:

Hello i'm new here and i want to have your opinions on some ps3 games.


1) Stranglehold The demo was fun, never played the real thing though.


2)Assassins Creed Definately


3)Oblivion Definately


4)NBA Live 08 I haven't played it, and I haven't heard good things about it :(


5)Orange Box I'd say get it. It is inferior to the 360/PC version now, but I've heard Valve is making patches to fix the problems.

I maybe want to buy these games but i'm not sure and so i ask:if you've played any of these games, were they fun?or not?and why? 

I made my changes in red.

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@ makingmusic476

it's Scarlett Johansson


I think I'll buy assassins creed,oblivion and orange box(of cause after Uncharted, COD4 and Ratchet)

and maybe NBA Live 08 if I like the demo

the demo of stranglehold was fun but the game is censored in germany and
so I would have to import the game for 70 € and it seems that it isn't worth that much

i have played assassins creed and the orange box - i can recommend both, good games that should keep you entertained for a while



good choice of games, i wish i had half of them! very cool lineup

On the NBA Live, well i havent been into these games. My last one was courtside 2002, so cant judge it at all.