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Forums - Sony Discussion - Disk error on ps3!

Hello to everyone!

I have bought my ps3 first day it was released here in Italy (March 23rd) and I love it and have bought 22 games for it (as you can see in my games collection). Lately tough I have had a serious problem, In the first days of 08 something strange happened: it would not read disks anymore... none! Games, Cds, DVDs, Blu-Rays... I could still access any stuff I had on the Hard disk but nothing else... I contacted the Sony consumer help and right away they seemed to know the problem and gave me the adress of a nearby SOny store in which I brought my ps3 and now it's in Rome being checked and replaced by a new one... A week has passed and it should be coming this week, I hope they save my hard disk (I don't think it would be a problem) because it would suck to lose all my saves and have to re-download every game and add-ons...

I read on another forum that this is happening to 3% of the "first buyers" which got the console on day 1 so not such a big of a deal as the red ring of death...

Has this happened to any of you? (I sincerely hope not because I have my copy of Burnout and wasn't even able to play it hehe)

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It has not happened to me, although I did have a problem with my PS3, but they brought one round to my house and swapped them over

the problem is for less then 3% actually. There will always be some issues with tech, you just happen to be unlucky.

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Yeah I know... the funny thing is that I have never had any problems with the ps1 and ps2 (which many people had) and with the most "reliable" one I had the problem... oh well

lol you have spent like £1250 on your ps3, you could have bought a car!!!!

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haha really I have spent 599 euros... which were like 718$ back then... now it would be about 898$ with the dollar continuing to lose value

I have had 3 PS2s and 3 PS3s, but I still love them (2 free PS3s, one PS2 for repair costs (but they gave a refurbished unit) then a bundle PS2 where I sold the games to save some money)

Wow you are really unlucky!

OMG u didn't tell Sony?

Coz i think they extended the guarantee for launch sales to Mid Jan '08


edit. oh lauched in March '07, so your still covered under guarantee, nice


Yeah they didn't even ask for the warrenty because it's not even a year old