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Hello to everyone!

I have bought my ps3 first day it was released here in Italy (March 23rd) and I love it and have bought 22 games for it (as you can see in my games collection). Lately tough I have had a serious problem, In the first days of 08 something strange happened: it would not read disks anymore... none! Games, Cds, DVDs, Blu-Rays... I could still access any stuff I had on the Hard disk but nothing else... I contacted the Sony consumer help and right away they seemed to know the problem and gave me the adress of a nearby SOny store in which I brought my ps3 and now it's in Rome being checked and replaced by a new one... A week has passed and it should be coming this week, I hope they save my hard disk (I don't think it would be a problem) because it would suck to lose all my saves and have to re-download every game and add-ons...

I read on another forum that this is happening to 3% of the "first buyers" which got the console on day 1 so not such a big of a deal as the red ring of death...

Has this happened to any of you? (I sincerely hope not because I have my copy of Burnout and wasn't even able to play it hehe)